F.D.& E. Experimental Fatigue life Prediction Program: saefcalc1

Note! This calculator uses "Digital Curves" as material property inputs.

First Light: Oct.8, 2000, Last Update: Jan.26 2009
Closed: March13 2012
This page has been replaced by providing calculators in the
materials database section. The reason for its replacement is that one
needs to create a giant pile of *_fitted.html files somewhere near the
executable code, an arrangement which becomes unweildy when there are
many files to be fitted and maintained. If a user has just a small database of
materials of interest, it may still be manageable; thus I have left the
page available. The fitted curve files however may not be updated to the
most recent versions, and a potential user should check the entries in the
materials data base
section for the most recent updates.
Suggestions?: send to topper (a) uwaterloo.ca

1. Pick Your Material (click on Radio buttons):

2. Enter Elastic Kt*Nominal (or Finite Element) Stress History (Rainflow counted cycle sets) Below:

MPa !


If you wish to run this program on your own machine (get Linux?) and download & compile this file:

saefcalc1.f.txt (66K) Version 1.6 (last fix, May 2005)

GNU Licensed Open Source Free Software . A complete copy of the GNU license is available from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

After download it can be compiled and run with the statements:   

      mv saefcalc1.f.txt saefcalc1.f
      f77 -g saefcalc1.f -o saefcalc1
      ./saefcalc1 sae1015_fitted.html 150 -150 1  > temp
(you will need to create or download some of the "fitted" data files above)

Results can be viewed and plotted with the following statements:
View all output:
       more temp

View results:
       grep xcalc2 temp
       grep xcalc3 temp

View stress-strain loops for plotting:
       grep plotloops temp

View damage per input block:
       grep plotdam temp

Other versions for input of a single rainflow file is also available:
saefcalc2e (strain input version)