F.D.+E. Steels Cyclic Mean Stress Relaxation

Note!! : Charts and information are offered with No Warranty Whatsoever.
They are intended for research purposes and not for design.
Author: F.A.Conle, Adjunct Prof., Dept. Civil +Env. Engr. U.Waterloo
Created: Jul. 2024

Background Steel (11Mb) Background Aluminum (2Mb) How to Use (1Mb)

    1. Enter your Plastic Strain Ampl. Bounds:
#Lower PlsStrAmpl= #Upper PlsStrAmpl=
( Range between Lower and Upper is limited to 0.002 strain )

Pick one:
#Chart of So #Chart Normalized So/Soi #

(Note: Actual measured data points are shown, lines are
extrapolated to about 1 or 2 million reversals where feasible.
Some measured points are summarized from larger data sets.