Proposed Standard Data File for Fusion Weld Fatigue Test Reporting

#FileType= FusionWeldFatigue  {LapShear,CoachPeel,Butt}    #Others?
#DataType= raw             #other options: Fitted, Calculated
#Note!: Avoid using TABS (otherwise results will vary with different computers.)
#WeldType= GMAW  {GMAW LaGMAW LaGMAW PaGMAW PaGMAW Laser, PaLaser, Friction, TIG, OA, etc.}
#                 More specific information should go into general comments.
#NAME=  aluminumLapJoint  #This can be anything in One single, continuous string. Keep it short.
#NAME1=    AA6061-T651    #Name of top sheet material.
#NAME2=    AA5754         #Name of bottom sheet material. See "drawing" below
#E1=  70000.  #Parent Elastic modulus Top Sheet (Stress_units)
#E2=  70000.  #Parent Elastic modulus Bottom Sheet (Stress_units)
#Y1=  300.    #Parent Yield, Top Sheet (Stress_units)
#Y2=  300.    #Parent Yield, Bottom Sheet (Stress_units)
#BHN1=    0.  #Parent metal hardness (Brinell), top sheet
#BHN2=    0.  #Parent metal hardness (Brinell), bottom sheet
#WeldRod=  Exxx   # a string with weld wire designation
#   General comments should also contain any available information
#   about Weld rod feed rates, torch angles, travelrates, Contact-Tip to work distance,
#   Pulse mode, generator settings, AC, DC etc.
#                                                Laser           GMAW
#                                                  W               W
#                                                  e               e
#                                                  l               l
#                                                  d               d
#                                                  |               |
#         -----------------------------------------*--------------***              -------------------
#           Top Sheet, Thickness T1                *              ******              Spacer  2
#         -----------------------------------------*--------------********         -------------------
#                               Gap = |            *              *********
#         ----------------              -----------*--------------***********-------------------------
#          Spacer  1                               *                     Bottom Sheet, Thickness T2
#         ----------------              -----------*--------------------------------------------------
#                       |---------L1------------------|
#                                                     |----------------------L2------|
#         |---Grip-G1---|                                                            |--Grip-G2------|
#         |------------------------TotalLength=  G1 +L1 +L2 +G2       -------------------------------|
#Load_units=   lbs         {lbs,N}
#Length_units= mm          {in,mm}
#Strain_units= strain      {strain,percentage}   #Perhaps from strain gages.
#Stress_units= mpa         {ksi,mpa}  #stress at failure (initiation) location, or for parent metal properties
#Width=  25 # It is assumed that specimen width is consistent along its entire length
#TotalLength= 140  mm #  Complete length of specimen
#L1=  60   #  Distance from Top sheet grip/specimen contact point to centerline of weld
#L2=  65   #  Distance from Bottom sheet grip contact point to centerline of weld
#G1=   10  #  Gripped specimen length (left side)
#G2    15  #  Gripped specimen length (right side)
#T1=   2   #  Thickness of Top Sheet (length_units)
#T2=   2.5 #  Thickness of Bottom Sheet (length_units)
#Gap=  0.5 #  vertical gap between plates after welding (length_units)
#Spacer1= 2   #Thickness of spacer no. 1
#Spacer2= 2.5 #Thickness of spacer no. 2
#Note: For loading line at faying surface: Spacer1 = G1 and Spacer2 = G2
#WeldWidth=  9 #length of weld fusion zone across the width of specimen.
#   If WeldWidth .LT. Width then there a Start/Stop features are expected to
#    exist in the weld line.  If this is the case, then the weld is assumed to
#    be centered in the specimen width.
#   If WeldWidth=Width, then a continuous weld with no start and stop is assumed.
# More description can be placed into general comments.
#WeldOffset=  3 #Difference between specimen centerline [as measured from (L1+L2)/2] and weld centerline
#WeldSize=   5  #Root of weld size (weld throat size)
#WeldToeAngle= 30 #degrees
# Notes:
# 1) L1 has slightly different definitions based on the type of weld.
#           It is always defined from the edge of the gripping system on the
#           top sheet, but its terminus depends on the weld type:
#        A) GMAW weld types the right terminus is at the weld heel (leftmost
#                 edge of weld as defined in drawing above).
#        B) Laser and Butt weld types, right terminus is weld centerline
# 2) WeldLength is
#     A) the horizontal leg length in GMAW weld types
#     B) the actual fusion weld width in Laser and Butt weld types
# 3) L2 is always defined such that TotalLength=G1+L1+L2+G2

#TEMP= 21           # Temp (in Celcius) that fatigue tests were conducted at.
# Below are the actual specimen data.  The columns are as defined below. The values that
#        FailureLocation examples:  heel,toe,BaseMetal,throat,start,stop,unknown
# MaxLoad     MinLoad    Nf(cycles)    Deflect.@half-life  FailureLocation  #Comment
  1000          100        4566          2                   heel         # Heel failure
  800            80        10500         1.5                 toe          # Toe failure
  500            50       111700         .75                 BaseMetal    #Base metal failure
  600           400        43789         .5                  Toe          #toe