# All of the data below was derived, but not copied, from the # NASA Tech. Note D-1574, 1963 # The derivations and additions have been made by the # members of the FD&E committee of the SAE. Thus: # Copyright (C) 1999 Fatigue Design & Evaluation Committee of the SAE # This data file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # license, or (at your option) any later version. # # This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General PUblic License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #Fn= 112 # TI6AL4V TITANIUM, SOLUTION TREATED AND AGED, # SMITH ET AL, NASA D-1574, 1963, BHN 371/381 # .029C .22FE .017N2 6.1AL 4.0V .007H2 # #FileType= strain_life #DataType= fitted #TIMEcol= 0 #NAME= TI6AL4V #Name= Titanium #Stress_units= ksi #Strain_units= strain #Su= 179. #Sy= 172. #E= 17000. #%RA= 41.01 #BHN= 376.01 #NO. FAT. PTS.= 13 # TI6AL4V BHN= 376 Fn= 0 # Monotonic Props. Cyclic Props. #ELAS. MOD.= 17000. KSI, 117. GPA K' = 264.6 KSI, 1825.MPA #YIELD,0.2%= 172. KSI, 1186. MPA N' = 0.1230 #ULT. STRG.= 179. KSI, 1234. MPA F. STRG COEF= 259.1 KSI, 1786.MPA #K = 0.0 KSI, 0. MPA F.STRG EXP, b=-0.0846 #N = 0.0000 FAT DUCT COEF= 0.8413 #RED. IN AREA = 41.0 F.DUCT EXP, c=-0.6877 #T. FRAC. STG.= 0.0 KSI, 0. MPA Exp Cyc Yld = 123. Ksi, 850.MPA #T. FRAC. STR.= 0.000 Fit Cyc Yld = 133. Ksi, 919.MPA #No. fatigue data points= 13 # # NOTE!! The Following Points are FITTED DATA: #Changed to flat fatigue limit at 2m revs. #UNITS= KSI #Stress_Units= KSI # Total Strain 2Nf Stress Mean Plastic Strain Initial # Amp Amp Stress Amp Elastic Mod. 0.85654 1 259.1 0. 0.84130 17000. #Fitted_point 0.53668 2 244.3 0. 0.52231 17000. #Fitted_point 0.29143 5 226.1 0. 0.27813 17000. #Fitted_point 0.18522 10 213.2 0. 0.17267 17000. #Fitted_point 0.11903 20 201.1 0. 0.10720 17000. #Fitted_point 0.06803 50 186.1 0. 0.05709 17000. #Fitted_point 0.04576 100 175.5 0. 0.03544 17000. #Fitted_point 0.03174 200 165.5 0. 0.02200 17000. #Fitted_point 0.02073 500 153.2 0. 0.01172 17000. #Fitted_point 0.01577 1000 144.5 0. 0.00727 17000. #Fitted_point 0.01253 2000 136.2 0. 0.00452 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00982 5000 126.1 0. 0.00240 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00849 10000 118.9 0. 0.00149 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00752 20000 112.1 0. 0.00093 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00660 50000 103.8 0. 0.00049 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00606 100000 97.9 0. 0.00031 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00562 200000 92.3 0. 0.00019 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00513 500000 85.4 0. 0.00010 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00480 1000000 80.5 0. 0.00006 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00451 2000000 76.0 0. 0.00004 17000. #Fitted_point 0.00451 10000000 76.0 0. 0.00004 17000. #Fitted_point #Changed fit to Flat fatigue limit at 2million revs #