#Copyright (C) 2015 Fatigue Design+Evaluation Comm. #This data file is free software - you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as #published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the #license, or (at your option) any later version. #This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY - without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General PUblic License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License #along with this program - if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, #USA. Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # Note!! : Periodic overloaded test data # AISI-8822 Thru Carburized Steel, Note!! This steel has no plasticiy # Specimens were cut from 20mm rod stock and thru carburized at 927C # in atmosphere with 0.90% carbon potential. Then Quenched in 66C oil, # and tempered at 218C. Polished up to 600 emery paper. # Chem.(before Thru Carburized): 0.22C 0.86Mn .013P .025S .17Si .43Ni # .39Mo .54Cr .24Cb .004V .028Al .01Sn # Ref.: Maria El Zeghayar, "The Introduction of Crack Opening Stress # Modeling into Strain-Life And Small Crack Growth Fatigue Analysis," # Dept. Civil Engr. Univ. of Waterloo, 2010. #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #TimeCol= 0 #Name= AISI8822 #Name= Steel #Name= ThruCarburized #Stress_units= mpa #Strain_units= strain #E= 209000 #Sy= 1480. #Su= 1480. Note!! Steel has no plasticity #eu= 0.0087 #%RA= 0. #FractureStress= 1480. #FractureStrain= 0.0087 #BHN= 654 (HRc= 60 measured ) # #StrAmp 2NF StsAmp MeanS PlasStr EMod. NeubEqvStsAmpl 0.00526 222 1035 0 0.00031 209000 1067 0.00529 368 1093 0 0.00006 209000 1099 0.00523 1090 1068 0 0.00012 209000 1080 0.00506 710 1044 0 0.00006 209000 1051 0.00474 2354 997 0 0.00000 209000 994 0.00473 2828 982 0 0.00003 209000 985 0.00474 1840 974 0 0.00008 209000 982 0.0045 3276 900 0 0.00019 209000 920 0.00401 2820 809 0 0.00014 209000 823 0.00374 8120 790 0 0.00000 209000 786 0.00349 15348 706 0 0.00011 209000 718 #0.00349 25846 704 0 0.00012 209000 717 #0.00405 23874 808 0 0.00018 209000 827 #0.00399 27538 809 0 0.00012 209000 821 #Above data is from constant amplitude tests ## #Data below is from periodic overload tests 0.0024 72714 511 355 0.00000 209000 0.0023 52160 481 385 0.00000 209000 0.0017 168750 361 505 0.00000 209000 0.0014 10000000 301 565 0.00000 209000 #runout 0.0016 483274 331 535 0.00002 209000 0.0015 10000000 319 547 0.00000 209000 #runout 0.0016 10000000 325 541 0.00004 209000 #runout 0.0022 60100 451 415 0.00004 209000 0.002 103628 421 445 0.00000 209000 0.0017 49280 349 517 0.00003 209000 0.0016 64658 337 529 0.00000 209000 ## #Data below from periodic overload tests with variable #numbers of small cycles between overloads #See thesis for details. 0.0024 35020 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 29738 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 48120 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 30688 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 83426 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 134100 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 93408 500 600 0.00001 209000 0.0024 264864 500 600 0.00001 209000 # #