#Copyright (C) 2012 F.D.E. Committee #This data file is free software - you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as #published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the #license, or (at your option) any later version. #This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY - without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General PUblic License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License #along with this program - if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA #Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # ASTM A36 Structural Steel from 1.25inch plate Bethlehem Steel Corp. # Nominal Chem.: 0.25~0.29maxC wt% 0.60~0.90Mn .04maxP .05maxS .40maxSi # Ref.: G.A.Miller and H.S.Reemsnyder, "Strain-Cycle Fatigue of Sheet and # Plate Steels I: Test Method Development and Data Presentation," # SAE Paper 830175, Detroit MI, Feb28-Mar.4, 1983 # Data digitized from graphs and may contain errors. # #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #TIMEcol= 0 #NAME= ASTM-A36 #NAME= Structural #NAME= Steel #Stress_units= ksi #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 38.4 0.2pc offset X 6.89 = 265 mpa #Su= 69.0 ksi = 475 mpa #eu= 0 #strain at Su not reported #E= 29500. #FractureStrain= 0 not reported #FractureStress= 0. not reported #monotonic_K= 0 not reported #monotonic_n= 0 not reported #BHN= 0. not reported #%RA= 0 % not reported #%elongation= 32.3 over 1.4 inch gauge lenth #StrAmpl 2Nf StsAmpl So PlasStrAmpl IniMod NeuberStressAmpl 0.01050 3414 52.2 0 0.00873 29500 127.2 0.01045 4560 49.1 0 0.00878 29500 123.0 0.01029 4304 55.3 0 0.00841 29500 129.6 0.01022 5373 52.9 0 0.00842 29500 126.2 0.01010 4101 54.1 0 0.00827 29500 127.0 0.01004 6330 51.8 0 0.00829 29500 123.9 0.00695 13568 44.1 0 0.00545 29500 95.1 0.00692 7319 48.8 0 0.00527 29500 99.8 0.00692 12682 46.3 0 0.00535 29500 97.2 0.00691 15233 50.7 0 0.00519 29500 101.6 0.00691 15985 50.7 0 0.00519 29500 101.6 0.00689 8458 50.7 0 0.00517 29500 101.5 0.00509 11085 43.1 0 0.00363 29500 80.5 0.00501 14663 44.1 0 0.00352 29500 80.7 0.00352 69306 38.7 0 0.00221 29500 63.4 0.00230 198410 38.9 0 0.00098 29500 51.3 0.00226 123693 32.9 0 0.00115 29500 46.8 0.00224 162044 32.9 0 0.00113 29500 46.6 0.00224 185467 37.7 0 0.00097 29500 49.9 0.00223 216415 36.6 0 0.00099 29500 49.0 0.00199 171727 36.9 0 0.00074 29500 46.5 0.00197 312276 34.7 0 0.00079 29500 44.9 0.00194 192807 32.7 0 0.00084 29500 43.3 # #