#Copyright (C) 2015 M.El Zeghayar and Fatigue Design+Evaluation Comm. #This data file is free software - you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as #published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the #license, or (at your option) any later version. #This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY - without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General PUblic License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License #along with this program - if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, #USA. Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # DP590 Dual Phase Steel, from 2mm sheet, # Chem.: 0.09wt% 1.01Mn .01P .01S .28Si Cu, Ni, Mo lt .02, .0Cr .04Al # .01Sn .01N # Monotonic Tension curve is close to the cyclic curve. # Ref.: Maria El Zeghayar, "The Introduction of Crack Opening Stress # Modeling into Strain-Life And Small Crack Growth Fatigue Analysis," # Dept. Civil Engr. Univ. of Waterloo, 2010. #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #TimeCol= 0 #Name= DP590steel #Name= DualPhase #Stress_units= mpa #Strain_units= strain #E= 209000 #Sy= 349. #Su= 523. (appears to be a bit low. Should be 590) #eu= 0.17 engineering (estimated from %Elongation) #%RA= 53. #FractureStress= 643. #FractureStrain= 0.76 #%Elongation= 34 (over 10mm) #monotonic_K= 730 #monotonic_n= 0.12 #BHN= 171 (HRc=6 measured) # #StrAmp 2NF StsAmp MeanS PlasStr EMod. NeubEqvStsAmpl 0.00998 2000 436 0 0.00789 209000 954 0.01007 2340 416 0 0.00808 209000 936 0.00797 4000 433 0 0.00590 209000 849 0.007 7600 400 0 0.00509 209000 765 0.00499 15200 373 0 0.00321 209000 624 0.00486 16000 377 0 0.00306 209000 619 0.00486 19600 370 0 0.00309 209000 613 0.00383 80000 332 0 0.00224 209000 516 0.00379 89000 306 0 0.00233 209000 492 0.00325 47600 323 0 0.00170 209000 468 0.00309 78600 314 0 0.00159 209000 450 0.0025 173200 296 0 0.00108 209000 393 0.00249 180000 305 0 0.00103 209000 398 0.00225 333840 302 0 0.00081 209000 377 0.00213 884528 286 0 0.00076 209000 357 0.00209 146526 307 0 0.00062 209000 366 0.00203 4778600 270 0 0.00074 209000 338 0.00204 2047542 270 0 0.00075 209000 339 0.00204 2423826 270 0 0.00075 209000 339 0.00206 396000 304 0 0.00061 209000 362 0.00192 5915266 274 0 0.00061 209000 332 0.00184 1380000 285 0 0.00048 209000 331 0.00182 10100418 279 0 0.00049 209000 326 #runout # #