#Copyright (C) 2015 Fatigue Design+Evaluation Comm. #This data file is free software - you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as #published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the #license, or (at your option) any later version. #This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY - without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General PUblic License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License #along with this program - if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, #USA. Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # Note!!: Periodic overload test data ! # DP590 Dual Phase Steel, from 2mm sheet, # Periodic overloads +/-339 mpa. See Thesis for details # Chem.: 0.09wt% 1.01Mn .01P .01S .28Si Cu, Ni, Mo lt .02, .0Cr .04Al # .01Sn .01N # Monotonic Tension curve is close to the cyclic curve. # Ref.: Maria El Zeghayar, "The Introduction of Crack Opening Stress # Modeling into Strain-Life And Small Crack Growth Fatigue Analysis," # Dept. Civil Engr. Univ. of Waterloo, 2010. #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #TimeCol= 0 #Name= DP590steel #Name= DualPhase #Stress_units= mpa #Strain_units= strain #E= 209000 #Sy= 349. #Su= 523. (appears to be a bit low. Should be 590) #eu= 0.17 engineering (estimated from %Elongation) #%RA= 53. #FractureStress= 643. #FractureStrain= 0.76 #%Elongation= 34 (over 10mm) #monotonic_K= 730 #monotonic_n= 0.12 #BHN= 171 (HRc=6 measured) # #StrAmp 2NF StsAmp MeanS PlasStr EMod. NeubEqvStsAmpl 0.00998 2000 436 0 0.00789 209000 954 0.01007 2340 416 0 0.00808 209000 936 0.00797 4000 433 0 0.00590 209000 849 0.007 7600 400 0 0.00509 209000 765 0.00499 15200 373 0 0.00321 209000 624 0.00486 16000 377 0 0.00306 209000 619 0.00486 19600 370 0 0.00309 209000 613 0.00383 80000 332 0 0.00224 209000 516 0.00379 89000 306 0 0.00233 209000 492 0.00325 47600 323 0 0.00170 209000 468 0.00309 78600 314 0 0.00159 209000 450 #Above points are constant ampl. tests #Below are periodic overload tests. ## Equiv. ## 2Nf 0.0013 102152 279 60 0.00000 209000 0.0012 165646 251 88 0.00000 209000 0.0011 237190 237 102 0.00000 209000 0.0011 329878 237 102 0.00000 209000 0.0011 363694 223 116 0.00003 209000 0.001 555692 209 130 0.00000 209000 0.0009 375772 195 144 0.00000 209000 0.0009 668676 181 158 0.00003 209000 0.0008 1052330 167 172 0.00000 209000 0.0007 3271198 153 186 0.00000 209000 0.0007 1403020 145 194 0.00001 209000 0.0007 3075676 140 199 0.00003 209000 0.0006 6220112 126 213 0.00000 209000 0.0006 6664444 117 222 0.00004 209000 0.0005 19547634 112 227 0.00000 209000 0.0005 21404986 106 233 0.00000 209000 0.0005 15431080 98 241 0.00003 209000 0.0004 22220000 92 247 0.00000 209000 #runout #Above points are periodic o/s tests. #Below are periodic o/s tests with varying no. of small #cycles between overloads. See Thesis for details. 0.0011 442676 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 163568 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 280264 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 246416 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 348008 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 500070 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 757068 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 1235968 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 1252166 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 399072 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 898224 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 249390 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 153754 230 109 0.00000 209000 0.0011 618112 230 109 0.00000 209000 # #