PolyPhenylene Composite Fatigue File Directory :
Updates: Jun.2011
Note! : The pages and files in this directory are offered by the F.D.+ E. committee
members as a set of example files for the construction of web based material fatigue
property databases. They are meant for information and research use only, not for design.
PolyPhenylene, reinforced :
- PolyPhenylene Sulfide 40% 0.02mm(mostly) to 0.4mm E-Glass Fibers (Mandell et al 1981) :
Warning!: Fatigue test data points have been fitted by using the Tensile test stress-strain
curve (above) to define the cyclic stress-strain behavior. The actual cyclic stresses and
strains at half life were not reported. As the tests were run in Load Control with R=0.10
it was necessary to use an "Equivalent" Neuber Product parameter of
Sequiv= SQRT( Smax * Sampl.) plot to obtain an estimate of the fully reversed cyclic
The Neuber product or equivalent fully reversed stress vs. Life curve is available
and the fitted curve is shown in the "Fitted" and used in the "Calculator" files below. (FAC)
__ | __ Fitted Curve
__ | __ Fatigue Calculator
If anyone has fatigue test data available for other stress ratios please send
them to us for addition to the results above.
Ref.1 : Mandell, J.F., D.D.Huang, F.J.McGarry, "Fatigue of Glass and Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Engineering Thermoplastics," Polymer Composites, V2 N3, July 1981, pp.137-144
Note:Data has been manually digitized from the paper and
may have some errors.
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