# SAE8615 Carburized Bending samples AISI Iter 163 "Deep Case" HRc=60 # Carburized Case/Core Composite 4 pt Bend. specimen. Constant Ampl # CrossSection= 0.25inch deep x 0.50in wide, Kt= 1.0 # See Chrysler Metallurgy and Hardness report #144326 # Gerdau Ht.M35300 ElecFurn VacDegas LadleRefined ConCast, HotRoll 31.8mm bar # Austen. at 1700F w 0.9%C potential for 3.5hrs, Step down to 1500F then # Quench in 150F oil, temper at 400F. Core has lots of ferrite. # HRc Hardness profile: Surface=60, 50@.028", 35@.05" # Original Chem. wt%: 0.11C .84Mn .009P .035S .30Si .15Cu .40Ni .60Cr # .20Mo .005V .002Nb .03Al .007Sn 15ppm_O # Inclusion Rating: Type A=(sulfide) 2.5T 0.5H, B=1.0T 0.0H, # C=0.5T 0.0H, D=1.5T 0.5H, # Note! Load amplitudes were not recorded, thus no stress ampl. # Tested by A. El-Menoufy UoWaterloo Feb. 2014 #FileType= strain_life #DataType = raw #Name= SAE8615bend #Name= Carburized #Name= Iter-163 #Units= MPa #E= 206824 ?? Probably not from bending specimen.? #RawMaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #BHN= 673 #Note: Loads were not recorded in this test. #TotStrAmpl 2Nf 0.005500 380 0.005500 3200 0.004500 13890 0.004500 17690 0.004400 33920 0.002100 200010 0.002400 200018 0.003200 201900 0.003200 203020 0.001700 473078 0.003200 201110 0.002500 659140 0.001600 1579700 0.001900 1600008 0.001600 2000000 #runout 0.001200 2000000 #runout 0.001600 2000000 #runout 0.002100 2000000 #runout