# # AISI-8822 Thru Carburized Steel, simul. Case, AISI It.109 HRc=55 # Note!! This steel has no plasticity # Specimens were cut from 20mm rod stock and thru carburized at 927C # in atmosphere with 0.90% carbon potential. Then Quenched in 66C oil, # and tempered at 218C. Polished up to 600 emery paper. # Chem.(before Thru Carburized): 0.22C 0.86Mn .013P .025S .17Si .43Ni # .39Mo .54Cr .24Cb .004V .028Al .01Sn # Ref.: Maria El Zeghayar, "The Introduction of Crack Opening Stress # Modeling into Strain-Life And Small Crack Growth Fatigue Analysis," # PhD, Dept. Civil Engr. Univ. of Waterloo, 2010. # Further load control mean stress tests in D.Gaia MSc thesis 2017 #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #Name= AISI8822 #Name= ThruCarburized #Name= Steel #Stress_units= mpa #Strain_units= strain #E= 209000 #Sy= 1480. #Su= 1480. Note!! Steel has no plasticity #eu= 0.0087 #%RA= 0. #FractureStress= 1480. #FractureStrain= 0.0087 #BHN= 560 (HRc= 55 measured ) # #StrAmp 2NF StsAmp MeanS PlasStr EMod. NeubEqvStsAmpl 0.00526 222 1035 0 0.00031 209000 1067 0.00529 368 1093 0 0.00006 209000 1099 0.00523 1090 1068 0 0.00012 209000 1080 0.00506 710 1044 0 0.00006 209000 1051 0.00474 2354 997 0 0.00000 209000 994 0.00473 2828 982 0 0.00003 209000 985 0.00474 1840 974 0 0.00008 209000 982 0.0045 3276 900 0 0.00019 209000 920 0.00401 2820 809 0 0.00014 209000 823 0.00399 27538 809 0 0.00012 209000 821 0.00405 23874 808 0 0.00018 209000 827 0.00374 8120 790 0 0.00000 209000 786 0.00349 15348 706 0 0.00011 209000 718 0.00349 25846 704 0 0.00012 209000 717 0.00352 65610 693 0 0.00020 209000 714 0.00298 255128 602 0 0.00010 209000 612 0.00299 2805890 613 0 0.00006 209000 619 0.003 10000000 613 0 0.00007 209000 620 #runout 0.00273 168306 577 0 0.00000 209000 574 0.00276 10000000 562 0 0.00007 209000 569 #runout 0.00276 126558 556 0 0.00010 209000 566 0.0025 10000000 489 0 0.00016 209000 505 #runout 0.00248 10000000 511 0 0.00004 209000 515 #runout 0.0025 10000000 508 0 0.00007 209000 515 #runout # #