# # SAE8620 Thru Carburized HRc= 61 # Material cyclically hardens, MacSteel Ht M10367 # ElecFurnace, LadleRefined, ConCast(152x152) HotRolled to 29.7mm bar # Specimens machined, carburized, reaustenitized and isothermally transformed # to achieve 100% martensite and 0%bainite. # Original Chem.= 0.21wt%C .93Mn .009P .032S .25Si .15Cu .46Ni .50Cr # .20Mo 0V 0Nb .024Al 0Pb .002Ti 0Ca .01Co 0Zr .0003B .01Sn # 9ppm_O 63ppm_N # Inclusions: TypeA=1.2T 0.H, TypeB=0.5T 0.3H, TypeC=0.2T, TypeD=1.5T 0.5H # Mean stresses not reported. # Test: UoWaterloo, A.Rteil and T.Topper, June 2007 #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #Name= SAE8620 #Name= AisiIt_87 #Name= ThruCarburized #Stress_units= MPa #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 1252.0 #Su= 1485.0 #eu= 0.0125 engr strain at Su. =fracture #E= 192875. average of Sts/Str all points ##reported #E= 198000 #monotonic_K= 5575.0 #monotonic_n= 0.240 #FractureStrain= 0.0125 #FractureStress= 1330 #%RA= 0 (not measurable) #%Elongation= 1.2 % #MaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #Hardness, Rockwell C= 61 #BHN= 670 #StrAmp 2Nf StsAmp So PlasStr InitialModulus 0.008 674 1568 0 0 196000 #14 0.008 1510 1482 0 0 185250 #1 0.00795 1920 1515 0 0 190566 #12 0.00601 2568 1171 0 0 194842 #16 0.00602 12792 1155 0 0 191860 #21 0.00601 29990 1143 0 0 190183 #9 0.00498 50768 960 0 0 192771 #2 0.00497 57772 987 0 0 198592 #17 0.00351 144448 687 0 0 195726 #5 0.00373 156542 722 0 0 193566 #19 0.00401 161296 772 0 0 192519 #3 0.00504 201014 977 0 0 193849 #18 0.00376 222456 723 0 0 192287 #20 0.00375 473490 725 0 0 193333 #4 0.00325 3199592 625 0 0 192308 #6 0.00302 4826110 576 0 0 190728 #10 0.00276 10000000 540 0 0 195652 #runout #15 0.00306 10000000 578 0 0 188889 #runout #7 0.00299 10000000 586 0 0 195987 #runout #8 0.00275 10000000 524 0 0 190545 #runout #11 0.00276 10000000 538 0 0 194928 #runout #13 #average 192875. #Martensite, %= 100 #Carbon, %= 0.21 #Manganese, %= 0.83 #Phosphorus, %= 0.009 #Sulfur, %= 0.032 #Silicon, %= 0.25 #Copper, %= 0.15 #Nickel, %= 0.46 #Chromium, %= 0.5 #Molybdenum, %= 0.2 #Vanadium, %= 0.00 #Columbium/Niobium, %= 0.00 #Aluminum, %= 0.024 #Lead, %= 0.000 #Titanium, %= 0.002 #Calcium, %= 0.00 #Cobalt, %= 0.010 #Zirconium, %= 0.000 #Boron, %= 0.0003 #Tin, %= 0.010 #Oxygen, ppm= 9 #Nitrogen, ppm= 63 # #