# # SAE8620 Carburized Case+Core, Axial, HRc= 58surface # Ispat: BasicOxygen, ConCast(381x508mm) HotRolled to 25.4mm bar, # Specimens machined then case carburized, then ground and polished. # Rc=58 on surface then decreases to HRc=45 about .04inch below surface # and in the core. # Chem.: 0.23wt%C .82Mn .011P .027S .25Si .02Cu .48Ni # .50Cr .18Mo .01V 0Nb .001Pb .003Ti .003Sn 40ppm_N # Inclusions: TypeA=2-2.5Thin. Type B,C,D=0 # Note: Subsurface fisheye failures for tests with strain ampl. # equal to or below 0.005 # Test: UoToledo, F.Yin and A.Fatemi, July 2003 #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #Name= SAE8620 #Name= AisiIt_62 #Name= Case+Core #Name= Carburized #Stress_units= MPa #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 1356.6 #Su= 1764.1 #eu= 0.045 guesstimated strain at Su (from graph) #E= 205400 ave. of 17, Initial reported=203000 #monotonic_K= 2439.3 #monotonic_n= 0.087 #FractureStrain= 0.15 #FractureStress= 801 #%RA= 13.9 % #%Elongation= 6.0 % over 0.3" gauge #MaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #BHN= 615. from graph: HRc=58surface, =45core #StrAmp 2Nf StsAmp So CalcPlasStr InitialModulus 0.01995 20 1628 27.6 0.01080 204000 #IGL 0.01986 38 1554 24.3 0.01174 191000 #IGL 0.01986 128 1586 -36.7 0.01216 206000 #IGL 0.0100 1676 1314 -48.4 0.00359 206000 #IGL 0.0100 1688 1330 -36.7 0.00355 207000 #IGL 0.0100 1758 1328 -41.4 0.00344 204000 #IGL 0.0065 11532 1146 20.4 0.00095 207000 #IGL 0.0065 14112 1137 9.2 0.00090 204000 #IGL 0.0065 16246 1138 -30.0 0.00090 204000 #IGL 0.0050 36388 989 83.8 0.00019 206000 #not fisheye 0.0050 60868 985 92.9 0.00018 205000 #fisheye 0.0050 84060 992 11.6 0.00017 206000 #fisheye 0.00400 390316 840 221.2 0.00000 210000 #fisheye see Fig A.1b 0.00400 1966548 828 3.3 0.00000 218000 #fisheye 0.00400 2590830 827 0.0 0.00000 207000 #fisheye 0.00375 4847972 776 0.0 0.00000 205400 #fisheye, AverageEmod 0.00350 9721478 724 0.0 0.00000 205400 #fisheye, AverageEmod 0.00355 10000000 739 122.6 0.00000 209000 #Runout #Carbon, %= 0.23 #Manganese, %= 0.82 #Phosphorus, %= 0.011 #Sulfur, %= 0.027 #Silicon, %= 0.25 #Copper, %= 0.02 #Nickel, %= 0.48 #Chromium, %= 0.5 #Molybdenum, %= 0.18 #Vanadium, %= 0.01 #Columbium/Niobium, %= 0.00 #Lead, %= 0.001 #Titanium, %= 0.003 #Tin, %= 0.003 #Nitrogen, ppm= 40 # #