# # SAE8620 Q+T AISI Iter. 39 HRc=45 # Typical Core condition of carburized part # BasicOxygen, LadleRefined, ConCast(381x508mm) HotRolled to 82.8mm Bar # Chem. wt% .23C .82Mn .011P .027S .25Si .02Cu .48Ni # .5Cr .18Mo .01V 0Co 0Pb .003Ti .003Sn # Specimens machined, copper plated to prevent carbon intrusion then # placed in Carburizing furnace. Thus simulating core properties. # 100% Martensite, Inclusions TypeD= 3Heavy, TypeA,B,C= not reported. # Test: UoWaterloo, M.Khalil and T.Topper Oct.2000 #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #Name= SAE8620 #Name= AisiIt-39 #Name= CarbCore #Stress_units= MPa #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 1420.0 #Su= 1683.0 #eu= 0.04 engr. strain at Su #E= 180000 #monotonic_K= 1876.0 #monotonic_n= 0.040 #FractureStrain= 0.781 #FractureStress= 2601. #%RA= 36.2 #%Elongation= 47.7 % over 0.3 inch #MaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #BHN= 430 #Hardness, Rockwell C= 45 #StrAmp 2Nf StsAmp So CalcPlasStr InitialModulus 0.0130 1112 1468 0.0 0.00484 175000 0.0134 1780 1536 0.0 0.00482 182000 0.0152 1906 1354 0.0 0.00300 179000 0.0109 1940 1332 0.0 0.00346 183000 0.0104 2700 1376 0.0 0.00274 180000 0.0085 3878 1240 0.0 0.00159 180000 0.0084 4080 1295 0.0 0.00120 186000 0.0084 5100 1229 0.0 0.00154 181000 0.0066 11388 1160 0.0 0.00016 181000 0.0066 12920 1172 0.0 0.00013 210000 0.0066 16340 1149 0.0 0.00019 178000 0.0042 38488 868 0.0 0.00000 185000 0.0042 41428 787 0.0 0.00000 177000 0.0041 53124 879 0.0 0.00000 180000 0.00317 185944 588 0.0 0.00000 176000 0.00310 232756 593 0.0 0.00000 179000 0.00314 234044 591 0.0 0.00000 180000 0.00291 389116 545 0.0 0.00000 182000 0.00286 619038 564 0.0 0.00000 188000 0.00266 10000000 516 0.0 0.00000 177000 #Runout 0.00276 10000000 477 0.0 0.00000 182000 #Runout 0.00276 10000000 468 0.0 0.00000 176000 #Runout #Basic Oxygen= True #Ladle Refined= True #Continuous Cast= True #Martensite, %= 100 #Carbon, %= 0.23 #Manganese, %= 0.82 #Phosphorus, %= 0.011 #Sulfur, %= 0.027 #Silicon, %= 0.25 #Copper, %= 0.02 #Nickel, %= 0.48 #Chromium, %= 0.5 #Molybdenum, %= 0.18 #Vanadium, %= 0.01 #Columbium/Niobium, %= 0.00 #Lead, %= 0.000 #Titanium, %= 0.003 #Tin, %= 0.003 # #