#SAE Standard Data File #
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The FD&E standard file goes below.
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#<pre> # All of the data below was derived, but not copied, from the NASA Tech. # Note D-1574.The derivations and additions have been made by the members # of the FD&E committee of the SAE. Thus: # # Copyright (C) 1999 Fatigue Design & Evaluation Committee of the SAE. # This data file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTA- # BILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Try also their # web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # #Ford= 37 # AISI 4340 ALLOY Steel # 1520F 1/2 hr in salt, Water QUenched & Tempered at 800F in salt,air cooled # SMITH, HIRSHBERG, MANSON, NASA TN D-1574, APR 1963, # Hourglass Diametral specimens # Rc=44 = BHN=409, LONGITUDINAL # #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #TIMEcol= 0 #NAME= SAE4340 #UNITS= KSI #Stress_units= ksi #Su= 212.90 #Sy= 198.90 #E= 28979. #%RA= 38.1 #BHN= 409. #NO. FAT. PTS.= 14 #Tot Strain 2Nf Stress Mean Plastic Strain Initial # Amp Amp Stress Amp Elastic Mod. 0.203300 4. 234.82 0. 0.195200 28979. 0.202900 8. 211.90 0. 0.195600 28979. 0.082800 26. 197.83 0. 0.075900 28979. 0.042800 102. 198.85 0. 0.035900 28979. 0.042600 104. 188.84 0. 0.036100 28979. 0.022300 384. 166.36 0. 0.016600 28979. 0.012100 1772. 147.94 0. 0.007000 28979. 0.007400 5700. 126.91 0. 0.003000 28979. 0.004900 19620. 118.93 0. 0.000800 28979. 0.004000 61400. 114.87 0. 0.000000 28979. 0.003500 126200. 101.38 0. 0.000000 28979. 0.003000 324000. 87.46 0. 0.000000 28979. 0.003000 352000. 87.46 0. 0.000000 28979. 0.002600 1948400. 74.98 0. 0.000000 28979. #runout #Here is the bottom part of the html graph/calc wrapper----------- #