# # # SAE4140 InducHard to Rc38, 70%Bainite 30% Ferrite # Original from HotRolled 57mm bar # Test: UoWaterloo # saedigcurve_v2.2.f starts. #FileType= strain_life #DataType= fitted #Name= SAE4140 #Name= AisiIt_93 #Name= Induc.Hardened #Stress_units= MPa #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 1363.0 #Su= 1514.0 #E= 201400 #monotonic_K= 1911.0 #monotonic_n= 0.055 #%RA= 48 #FractureStrain= 0.65 #FractureStress= 2071 #MaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #Hardness, Rockwell C= 38 #BHN= 353 #StrAmp 2Nf StsAmp So CalcPlasStr InitialModulus #Basic Oxygen= False #Electric Furnace= True #Vacuum Degas= False #Ladle Refined= False #Ingot Cast= True #Continuous Cast= False #Bainite, %= 70 #Ferrite, %= 30 #Carbon, %= 0.41 #Manganese, %= 0.96 #Phosphorus, %= 0.009 #Sulfur, %= 0.009 #Silicon, %= 0.23 #Copper, %= 0.20 #Nickel, %= 0.16 #Chromium, %= 0.99 #Molybdenum, %= 0.2 #Vanadium, %= 0.00 #Columbium/Niobium, %= 0.00 #Aluminum, %= 0.031 #Lead, %= 0.001 #Titanium, %= 0.003 #Calcium, %= 0.00 #Zirconium, %= 0.001 #Boron, %= 0.0004 #Tin, %= 0.009 #Nitrogen, ppm= 130 # SAE4140 AisiIt_93 BHN= 353 Fn= 0 # Monotonic Props. Cyclic Props. #ELAS. MOD.= 29211. KSI, 201. GPA K' = 192.0 KSI, 1324.MPA #YIELD,0.2%= 198. KSI, 1363. MPA N' = 0.0582 #ULT. STRG.= 220. KSI, 1514. MPA F. STRG COEF= 218.9 KSI, 1509.MPA #K = 0.0 KSI, 0. MPA F.STRG EXP, b=-0.0553 #N = 0.0000 FAT DUCT COEF= 9.5592 #RED. IN AREA = 48.0 F.DUCT EXP, c=-0.9498 #T. FRAC. STG.= 300.4 KSI, 2071. MPA Exp Cyc Yld = 134. Ksi, 922.MPA #T. FRAC. STR.= 0.650 Fit Cyc Yld = 136. Ksi, 935.MPA #No. fatigue data points= 24 # # NOTE!! The Following Points are FITTED DATA:#NOTE!! Fitted Stress computed using Experm. K' and n' # NOTE!! Manual fit at Nf=1 and fatigue limit. FAC Jun09 #Stress_Units= MPa # Total Strain 2Nf Stress Mean Plastic Strain Initial # Amp Amp Stress Amp Elastic Mod. 0.65 1 2071 0. .64 201400 #Fitted_point manualy 0.01192 2000 976.9 0. 0.00707 201400. #Fitted_point 0.00761 5000 946.9 0. 0.00291 201400. #Fitted_point 0.00602 10000 923.7 0. 0.00144 201400. #Fitted_point 0.00512 20000 898.8 0. 0.00066 201400. #Fitted_point 0.00445 50000 859.4 0. 0.00018 201400. #Fitted_point 0.00414 100000 822.6 0. 0.00005 201400. #Fitted_point .0035 200000 710. 0. .00001 201400 #Fitted_point manually .0027 500000 590 0. .0 201400 #Fitted_point manually .0027 10000000 590 0. .0 201400 #Fitted_point manually # #