# 20MnCr5 Carburized steel, AISI Iter.173, HRc=62 # Rotating Bending Tests # Gerdau M53903 ElecFurn, VacDegas, LadleRefi, ConCast 1.826inch bar # Orig. Chem. 0.18C 1.20Mn .010P .030S .31Si .16Ni 1.11Cr .04Mo # .21Cu .008Sn .034Al .002V .0007B .0011Ca .004Ti .002Nb # .0006Pb .002Zr .003Sb .003As .004Zn 0.0080_O_ppm 0.0097_N_ppm # Specimens were vacuum carburized and gas quenched by Dana with no # finish grinding after heat treatment. The test machine # is a Fatigue Dynamics RBF-200 operating at 4,500rpm (75hz) in air. # Tested by E.Vincent, Eaton Corp 2017 #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #Name= 20MnCr5carburized #Name= aisiIter173 #Name= RotatingBend #stress_units= MPa #strain_units= strain #Sy= 0 not measured #Su= 0 not measured #%RA= 0 not measured #E= 206824 #BHN= 682 #Hardness, HRc= 62 # WARNING! Strains Calculated by assuming Elastic # Emod is probably assumed ? and not measured? #Estimate Assume Assume Assume #StrAmp 2Nf StsAmp So PlsStrAmp Emod 0.00233 20000000 483 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00300 20000000 621 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00367 20000000 759 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00367 20000000 759 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00373 20000000 772 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00380 20000000 786 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00380 20000000 786 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00380 16670580 786 0 0 206824 0.00383 158040 793 0 0 206824 0.00383 234040 793 0 0 206824 0.00383 20000000 793 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00400 88720 827 0 0 206824 0.00400 83440 827 0 0 206824 0.00400 145200 827 0 0 206824 0.00417 20000000 862 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00417 54420 862 0 0 206824 0.00417 114100 862 0 0 206824 0.00417 20000000 862 0 0 206824 #runout 0.00433 33500 896 0 0 206824 0.00433 77860 896 0 0 206824 #Original data: #Spec# Matl Diam. Runout Nf StressKsi StressMPa #blue-26 20MnCr5 6.383 0.01524 10000000 70 482.7 #blue-27 20MnCr5 6.312 0.01016 10000000 90 620.6 #blue-29 20MnCr5 6.358 0.04318 10000000 110 758.5 #blue-33 20MnCr5 6.368 0.02286 10000000 110 758.5 #blue-35 20MnCr5 6.365 0.04826 10000000 112 772.2 #blue-36 20MnCr5 6.36 0.01778 10000000 114 786 #blue-37 20MnCr5 6.385 0.03556 10000000 114 786 #blue-38 20MnCr5 6.373 0.0381 8335290 114 786 #blue-31 20MnCr5 6.36 0.01524 79020 115 792.9 #blue-32 20MnCr5 6.364 0.06096 117020 115 792.9 #blue-39 20MnCr5 6.37 0.03556 10000000 115 792.9 #blue-30 20MnCr5 6.349 0.02794 44360 120 827.4 #blue-34 20MnCr5 6.364 0.0127 41720 120 827.4 #blue-40 20MnCr5 6.368 0.04318 72600 120 827.4 #blue-42 20MnCr5 6.361 0.03302 10000000 125 861.9 #blue-45 20MnCr5 6.355 0.0762 27210 125 861.9 #blue-46 20MnCr5 6.347 0.08636 57050 125 861.9 #blue-47 20MnCr5 6.358 0.01778 10000000 125 861.9 #blue-49 20MnCr5 6.356 0.02032 16750 130 896.4 #blue-50 20MnCr5 6.373 0.02032 38930 130 896.4 # #