# Periodic Overload tests at longer life ! # 16MnCr5steel Carburized to ShallowCase+core HRc=52.2 surface # 4Point Bending Specimen ! AISI Bar Group Iteration 190 # OriginalMatl: ElecFurnace, VacDegas LadleRef Concast HotRollBar # Original Chem.: 0.16C wt% 1.22Mn .018P .034S .07Si .23Cu .11Ni # 1.06Cr .040Mo .002V .002Columb .02Al # Note!: Bending Stress computed using Stress= Mc/I # U.Waterloo, Diogo DeSilva, 2016 #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #Name= 16MnCr5_POL #Name= AISI-Iter190 #Name= ShallowCase+Core #Stress_units= ksi #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 0. #Su= 0. #E= 30008 ksi !! bending stress/strain #TrueFractureStrain= 0 #TrueFractureStress= 0 #%RA= 0 #MaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #BHN= 512 #HRc= 52.2 #StrAmpl 2Nf StsAmp So PlsStr Sts/Str # ksi ksi 0.00711 1406 209.0 0 0 29400 #CA Const.Ampl. 0.00711 2722 217.2 0 0 30547 #CA 0.00699 7050 210.2 0 0 30077 #CA 0.00605 57548 185.1 0 0 30590 #CA 0.00599 33818 157.5 0 0 26293 #CA 0.00599 19978 186.0 0 0 31057 #CA 0.00544 26184 171.9 0 0 31595 #CA #Periodic Overload results are below. Load was not measured, #Stress taken as elastic Sts=Str*E with E=30008 ksi 0.0042 84334 131 0 0 30008 0.0038 341384 114 0 0 30008 0.0035 380768 105 0 0 30008 0.003 295732 90 0 0 30008 0.0028 7261200 84 0 0 30008 0.0028 2975743 84 0 0 30008 0.0026 5923343 78 0 0 30008 0.0024 1147010 72 0 0 30008 0.0022 7099801 66 0 0 30008 0.002 407552 60 0 0 30008 # #