# 16MnCr5steel Carburized Quench+Temper to Simulate Core HRc=45 # AISI Bar Group Iteration 186 Axial Specimen tests. # OriginalMatl: ElecFurnace, VacDegas LadleRef Concast HotRollBar # Original Chem.: 0.16C wt% 1.22Mn .018P .034S .07Si .23Cu .11Ni # 1.06Cr .040Mo .002V .002Columb .02Al # Tested U.Mich Dearborn, 2017 # Warning!: raw data file does not have enough long life points. #FileType= strain_life #DataType= fitted #Name= 16MnCr5 #Name= AISI-Iter186 #Name= SimulatedCore #Stress_units= MPa #Strain_units= strain #Sy= 1040. #Su= 1398. #E= 201900 mpa average of initial Emods #monotonic_K= 1900. #monotonic_n= 0.082 #TrueFractureStrain= 0.38 compute from %RA #TrueFractureStress= 0 Not reported, assume 1400. #%RA= 32.0 #LowerYield= 1014 #UpperYield= 1067 #MaterialForm= bar #FailureDef= 50% load drop #BHN= 415 #HRc= 45 # # saedigcurve_v2.2.f starts. # NOTE!! The Following Points are FITTED DATA:#NOTE!! Fitted Stress computed using Experm. K' and n' #Stress_Units= MPa #TotStrAmpl 2Nf StsAmpl So PlasStrAmpl InitialEmod 0.39 1 1400 0 0.3787 201900 #guesstimated 0.01560 350 1158.9 0. 0.00986 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.01086 900 1096.8 0. 0.00543 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00810 2500 1037.3 0. 0.00296 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00605 6800 960.8 0. 0.00129 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00513 12000 902.9 0. 0.00066 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00450 20000 843.9 0. 0.00032 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00390 38500 765.7 0. 0.00011 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00327 128000 655.8 0. 0.00002 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00272 600000 549.1 0. 0.00000 201900. #Fitted_point manually 0.00252 2000000 509.2 0. 0.00000 201900. #Fitted_point manually # #