Cast 319 Aluminium Fatigue Data Directory :

Updated Sep.2011 Mar.2015
Note! : The pages and files in this directory are offered by the F.D.+ E. committee members
as a set of example files for the construction of web based material fatigue property
databases. They are meant for information and research use only, not for design.

AA 319: by Dabayeh et al

Ref.1 : A.A.Dabayeh, et al, "Fatigue of cast aluminum alloys under constant and
variable-amplitude loading," Int.J.Fat. V18 N2 pp.95-104 1996.
Ref.2 : A.A.Dabayeh, et al, "An experimental study of the effect of a flaw at a
notch root on the fatigue life of cast Al 319," Int.J.Fat. V20 N7 pp.517-530 1998.
NOTE! : The data points were digitized from graphs in the papers
and may thus contain errors.

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