# saedigcurve_v2.2.f starts. #Copyright (C) 2022 Fatigue Design + Evaluation Comm. #This data file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at #your option) any later version. #This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but #WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTA- #BILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public #License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License along #with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., #59 Temple Place -Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Try also their #web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # AA7075-T6511 aluminum extrusion !!! NOTE: FITTED CURVE DATA file !!! # Solution treated, artificially aged, # Spec. from extruded 0.76 inch plate with stiffners. # Ref.: A.Arcari, "Enhanced strain-based fatigue methodology # Ref.: for high strength aluminum alloys", PhD thesis, Engr. Mech., # Ref.: Virginia Polytechnic, Jan 29, 2010 # Data from Appendix A #FileType= strain_life #DataType= fitted #TIMEcol= 0 #Name= AA7075-T6511 #Name= Extrusion #Stress_Units= mpa #Strain_Units= strain #Sy= 559.4 mpa #Su= 620.0 #E= 70457 Average of initial loadings #%Elongation= 13.21 over ? 1inch #%RA= 18.31 % #FractureStress= 711 #FractureStrain= 0.202 # # NOTE!! The Following Points are FITTED DATA:#NOTE!! Fitted Stress computed using Experm. K' and n' #NOTE!! No stress units specified! Assuming: #Stress_Units= KSI # Total Strain 2Nf Stress Mean Plastic Strain Initial # Amp Amp Stress Amp Elastic Mod. 0.202 1 711 0. 0.192 70457. #Tensile test 0.04288 10 609.6 0. 0.03423 70457. #Fitted_point 0.03093 20 603.0 0. 0.02237 70457. #Fitted_point 0.02108 50 594.3 0. 0.01264 70457. #Fitted_point 0.01639 100 587.5 0. 0.00805 70457. #Fitted_point 0.01316 200 580.3 0. 0.00493 70457. #Fitted_point 0.01030 500 568.7 0. 0.00223 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00880 1000 555.9 0. 0.00091 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00767 2000 530.2 0. 0.00014 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00653 5000 460.2 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00586 10000 412.8 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00529 20000 373.0 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00467 50000 328.7 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00426 100000 300.1 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00390 200000 274.5 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00347 500000 244.7 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00319 1000000 224.6 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00293 2000000 206.3 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00262 5000000 184.5 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00241 10000000 169.6 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00221 20000000 156.0 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00198 50000000 139.6 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00182 100000000 128.4 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00168 200000000 118.2 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00150 500000000 105.8 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point 0.00138 1000000000 97.4 0. 0.00000 70457. #Fitted_point # #