Note Regarding Creation of "Fitted" file

FAConle June 6 2011

The two data sets published by [1] Brodrick and Spiering and by [2] Chung and Abel only encompass a fatigue life span of about 100 to 50000. reversals to failure. In order to create a resonably reliable fitted curve that extends to 10**7 reversals it was necessary to add other data. Little published data exists in the open literature for AA 6061 material (If you know of some send me an email at The data of [1] and [2] however does extend to levels of low plasticity, as can be seen in the Cyclic stress-strain plots of the two individual files. It therefore becomes possible to use the Neuber plot from:
F.A. Conle, "Accounting for Scatter in Strain-Life Fatigue Testing," SAE Paper 2002-01-1279
for AA6061. That Neuber stress plot, as re-digitize and then combined with the data from [1] and [2] leads to the following plot:

Click for larger version

As is apparent the data from [1] and [2] confirm the scatter plot for the Neuber product. Axial test results are plotted with a Y axis of sqrt(StressRange_*_StrainRange_*_Emod), which under elastic conditions boils down to sqrt(StressRg._*_StressRg) Thus it was possible to read off the stress vs life points from the Neuber plots at long life (elastic conditions) and complete the "Fitted" curve.