#Rainflow Counted History Data Example #

#Note that the fde.uwaterloo.ca site does not handle rainflow files yet
#but the calculation programs such as  
#    saefcalc2.f
#do use this format.
#The data can be in any units for the signal, but must use CYCLES
#(rather than reversals) as the event counter.  Numbers are to be 
#read (and could be written) in "free format", i.e.: separated by 
#one or more blanks. Note that blank lines are allowed amoungst 
#the data lines.  In normal practice the SIGNAL values will be read 
#by computers into REAL storage locations.  CYCLES are generally 
#expected to be INTEGERS.  Some rainflow counting methods, however,
#create unmatched 1/2 cycles, and in consequence give a cycle count
#such as  "1050.5" for example.  Thus the cycle numbers should
#be read as REAL*8 or DOUBLE PRECISION when such fractional cycles
#are expected.
#No special delimiters are used as "End-of-File", it is up to the 
#reading program to detect the EOF by itself.  (On some machines 
#it may be wise to place an extra blank line as the last line, 
#otherwise the last data line may not be read)
#You can also "force" an end of data by inserting a line with
#each column entry as  Zero.
#Data column code shown below:
#    Col.1      Col.2        Col.3    Col.4      Col.5
#Signal Range  Sig.Mean    No.Cycles  Sig.Max.  Sig.Min.
   0.103E+04    232.             1    748.       -284.    
    826.        232.             1    645.       -181.    
    877.        258.             1    697.       -181.    
    51.6       -103.            17   -77.4       -129.    
#comment could go here too
    103.       -77.4             5   -25.8       -129.    
    155.       -51.6             3    25.8       -129.    
    206.       -25.8             1    77.4       -129.    
    258.       0.305E-04         2    129.       -129.    
    310.        25.8             3    181.       -129.    
    361.        51.6             2    232.       -129.    
    465.        103.             2    335.       -129.    

    516.        129.             1    387.       -129.    
    568.        155.             4    439.       -129.    
    619.        181.             3    490.       -129.    
    671.        206.             2    542.       -129.    
    723.        232.             5    594.       -129.    
    774.        258.             4    645.       -129.    
    826.        284.             1    697.       -129.    
    51.6       -51.6            61   -25.8       -77.4    
    103.       -25.8            29    25.8       -77.4    
    155.          0.            27    77.4       -77.4    
    206.        25.8            23    129.       -77.4    
    258.        51.6             6    181.       -77.4    
    310.        77.4             8    232.       -77.4    
    361.        103.             3    284.       -77.4    
    413.        129.             7    335.       -77.4    
    619.        232.             1    542.       -77.4    
    671.        258.             2    594.       -77.4    
    51.6          0.           287    25.8       -25.8    
    103.        25.8           125    77.4       -25.8    
    155.        51.6            61    129.       -25.8    
    206.        77.4            14    181.       -25.8    
     0           0               0     0           0