# #Copyright (C) 2013 F.D.E. Committee #This data file is free software - you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as #published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the #license, or (at your option) any later version. #This data file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY - without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General PUblic License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License #along with this program - if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA #Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # Note: this is a merged file of 4 data sets. #FileType= strain_life #DataType= raw #TIMEcol= 0 #Name= 30CrNiMo8 #Name= 34CrNiMo6V #Name= mergedFile #Stress_units= mpa #Strain_units= strain #Su= 970 # average of 4 observations #Sy= 787 # avg of 4 obsv. #E= 206000 mpa #rough average #FractureStrain= 0.708 #FractureStress= 1168. #Data set 1: # 30CrNiMo8 steel cylindrical test samples 15mm diam., 20mmG.L. # Oil Quench from 870C tempered at 600C and 610C # Ref.: Chr. Boller, T.Seeger, Report FD 12/1984 TH Darmstadt # Note: data points from are from graphs: may contain digitize errors. # ##Sy= 700 mpa 0.2pc offset ##Su= 910 mpa ##eu= 0 #strain at Su not reported ##E= 206000 mpa ##FractureStrain= 0.708 ##FractureStress= 1168. ##BHN= 0. not reported ##%RA= 66. % #totSrt 2Nf StsAmp So PlasStr E Neuber 0.01953 498 672 0 0.01628 206700 1647 0.00985 2325 600 0 0.00695 206700 1106 0.00450 16276 562 0 0.00178 206700 723 0.00344 32118 495 0 0.00105 206700 593 0.00341 33909 491 0 0.00104 206700 588 0.00344 37854 520 0 0.00093 206700 608 0.00224 472770 458 0 0.00000 206700 460 0.00226 567029 458 0 0.00000 206700 462 0.00227 684194 461 0 0.00000 206700 465 0.00223 971868 457 0 0.00000 206700 459 0.00225 1559206 460 0 0.00000 206700 462 0.00208 3482310 422 0 0.00000 206700 426 #runout 0.00206 4278200 422 0 0.00000 206700 424 0.00206 9289370 424 0 0.00000 206700 425 #runout #Data Set 2: # 30CrNiMo8 steel Diametral (hourglass) test samples 6mm diam. # Oil Quench from 870C tempered at 600C and 610C # Ref.: Chr. Boller, T.Seeger, Report FD 12/1984 TH Darmstadt # Note: data points from are from graphs: may contain digitize errors. # ##Name= 30CrNiMo8 ##Name= Q+T ##Name= steel ##Stress_units= mpa ##Strain_units= strain ##Sy= 700 mpa 0.2pc offset ##Su= 910 mpa ##eu= 0 #strain at Su not reported ##E= 206000 mpa ##FractureStrain= 0.708 ##FractureStress= 1168. ##BHN= 0. not reported ##%RA= 66. % #totStrAmpl 2Nf Sts_Ampl So PlaStrAmpl Emod NeuberProd 0.01984 437 725 0 0.01633 206700 1724 0.01968 485 743 0 0.01609 206700 1739 0.00968 1565 591 0 0.00682 206700 1087 0.00976 1898 606 0 0.00683 206700 1106 0.00488 9459 542 0 0.00226 206700 740 0.00484 10048 542 0 0.00222 206700 737 0.00340 24178 500 0 0.00098 206700 593 0.00343 26791 526 0 0.00088 206700 610 0.00343 31910 548 0 0.00078 206700 623 0.00291 41812 469 0 0.00064 206700 531 0.00291 73692 497 0 0.00051 206700 547 0.00262 140374 462 0 0.00038 206700 500 0.00262 173344 470 0 0.00034 206700 505 0.00266 199139 474 0 0.00037 206700 511 0.00243 234235 467 0 0.00018 206700 485 0.00246 474215 472 0 0.00018 206700 489 0.00221 1082507 465 0 0.00000 206700 461 0.00241 5513400 503 0 0.00000 206700 501 0.00224 9478910 427 0 0.00000 206700 445 0.00226 10956170 460 0 0.00000 206700 464 0.00222 78167800 462 0 0.00000 206700 460 #runout 0.00217 203838300 452 0 0.00000 206700 450 #runout #Data Set 3: # 30CrNiMo8 Stee Q+T? cyclindrical 9 mm diam # Ref.: C.Santera, H.Zenner, in book Materials data for cyclic loading ##Name= 30CrNiMo8 ##Name= Q+T ##Name= steel ##Stress_units= mpa ##Strain_units= strain ##Sy= 918 mpa 0.2pc offset ##Su= 1031 mpa ##eu= 0 #strain at Su not reported ##E= 200000 mpa ##FractureStrain= 1.14 compute from RA ##FractureStress= 0. not reported ##BHN= 0. not reported ##%RA= 68. % #totStrAmp 2Nf Sts_Amp So PlaStrAmpl Emod NeuberProd #buckled point removed near Nf=10. 0.00999 1174 716 0 0.00640785 200000 1196 0.00901 1834 731 0 0.00535346 200000 1147 0.00783 2046 708 0 0.00429534 200000 1053 0.00696 3808 700 0 0.00346252 200000 987 0.00586 4427 672 0 0.00249596 200000 887 0.00395 13426 645 0 0.00071945 200000 714 #Following point was a stopped test near 100K cycles. Not a good runout #0.00324 41509 590 0 0.00029215 200000 619 #Data Set 4: # 34CrNiMo6V steel. # Data from a stress vs life plot. All tests below # a life of 10K have been commented out. Presumed plastic # Ref.by : C.A.Mourier, PhD Thesis 2002 Fig. 4.11, attributes data to: # Liebrich, M.: Kerbempfindlichkeit von Staehlen im Gebiet der Zeitfestig- # keit, Tech.-wiss. Bericht MPA, Heft 68-05, Stuttgart 1968 # ##Name= 34CrNiMo6V ##Name= steel ##E= 206700 mpa assumed ##Su= 1118 mpa ##Sy= 1001 mpa ##BHN= 445 # # #TotStrAmp 2Nf StsAmp So PlasStr Emod NeuberProd #0.00472 130 976 0 0 206700 976 #0.00472 145 976 0 0 206700 976 #0.00377 7099 780 0 0 206700 780 #0.00372 7439 768 0 0 206700 768 0.00290 447222 599 0 0 206700 599 0.00287 498738 594 0 0 206700 594 0.00270 846958 558 0 0 206700 558 0.00266 1579200 550 0 0 206700 550 0.00261 2123040 539 0 0 206700 539 0.00256 7380920 529 0 0 206700 529 0.00257 15588340 532 0 0 206700 532 # #