#FileType= rainflow #DataType= raw #"raw"= measured, as opposed to "fitted" #Note that the fde.uwaterloo.ca site does not handle rainflow files yet This is a S A E STANDARD RAINFLOW FILE The first part of the file is a comment section. Anything can go in this section except the word BEGIN at the front of a line. Users can add special flags,switches & operators if they wish, but no standards are set about what is in this section. Examples of user specific program switches : !MIDDLE OF BAND ZERO:0! !UNITS/LEVEL:100! sptv 1 5 25.0000 start T: 0 5700 22700 end T: 5600 22000 37000 .rain 800.000 -800.000 If you see text like this in a file supplied to you, it would be prudent to ask your supplier as to their meaning or intent. It is recommended that such flags, or switches not be active in an SAE standard rainflow file. The data should be adjusted by the supplier program to reflect the intent or function of any of the switches. The data can be in any units for the signal, but must use CYCLES (rather than reversals) as the event counter. Numbers are to be read (and could be written) in "free format", i.e.: seperated by one or more blanks. Note that blank lines are allowed amoungst the data lines. In normal practice the SIGNAL values will be read by computers into REAL storage locations. CYCLES are generally expected to be INTEGERS. Some rainflow counting methods, however, create unmatched 1/2 cycles, and in consequence give a cycle count such as "1050.5" for example. Thus the cycle numbers should be read as REAL*8 or DOUBLE PRECISION when such fractional cycles are expected. No special delimiters are used as "End-of-File", it is up to the reading program to detect the EOF by itself. (On some machines it may be wise to place an extra blank line as the last line, otherwise the last data line may not be read) Data column code shown below: Col.1 Col.2 Col.3 Col.4 Col.5 Signal Range Sig.Mean No.Cycles Sig.Max. Sig.Min. The comment section is ended by the following line: BEGIN DATA 0.103E+04 232. 1 748. -284. 826. 232. 1 645. -181. 877. 258. 1 697. -181. 51.6 -103. 17 -77.4 -129. 103. -77.4 5 -25.8 -129. 155. -51.6 3 25.8 -129. 206. -25.8 1 77.4 -129. 258. 0.305E-04 2 129. -129. 310. 25.8 3 181. -129. 361. 51.6 2 232. -129. 465. 103. 2 335. -129. 516. 129. 1 387. -129. 568. 155. 4 439. -129. 619. 181. 3 490. -129. 671. 206. 2 542. -129. 723. 232. 5 594. -129. 774. 258. 4 645. -129. 826. 284. 1 697. -129. 51.6 -51.6 61 -25.8 -77.4 103. -25.8 29 25.8 -77.4 155. 0. 27 77.4 -77.4 206. 25.8 23 129. -77.4 258. 51.6 6 181. -77.4 310. 77.4 8 232. -77.4 361. 103. 3 284. -77.4 413. 129. 7 335. -77.4 619. 232. 1 542. -77.4 671. 258. 2 594. -77.4 51.6 0. 287 25.8 -25.8 103. 25.8 125 77.4 -25.8 155. 51.6 61 129. -25.8 206. 77.4 14 181. -25.8