// mblk10.dap fac May 29 2010 // // Calls module mblk10 to run machine in fairly simple ramp mode // // Using DAPL2000 language here. reset //pipes Cp2In, Cp2Out, $BINOUT // In MSWindows always there. // Defined in Control Panel. var itime long var nlchannels long let itime = 50 // itime is set to same as in IDEFINE below. let nlchannels = 2 // No. of active a/d channels, from IDEFINE below // Define A/D inputs //assuming a +-10v system IDEFINE A 2 set iP0 s0 set iP1 s1 time 50 END PDEFINE C mblk10 (iP0,iP1,Cp2In,Cp2Out,$BINOUT,itime,nlchannels) END HELLO DISPLAY CPIPES //Start C //START A, C // START commands will be transmitted from PCside module