Strain Controlled Fatigue Testing Request

3RD Party Vendor:

Data Reporting: 

Note that all fatigue data is to be reported in the Standard 
SAE Format as per J2409.  
(Click on "View Source" in your web browser and download source)

Similarly all Stress-Strain data for Tensile curves or cyclic
curves should be reported in the proposed SAE format:

Tensile test required for each material:  report digitally and graph.

All periodic overload data should be reported via the standard SAE format
J2649: e.g.:

All data recorded to 3 significant figure accuracy.  
eg.: strain= 0.00312, stress= 401.mpa, modulus= 29700. ksi or 205000. mpa

                     Fatigue testing process:

             (Change if required, subject to approval )

Originator: A. Conle,     Oct 28, 1992, Revised 2006

Re.:  Strain controlled fatigue testing of Crankshaft material

The testing for the crankshaft material will include the following:

(B)  Standard Strain-life Tests.
     Before starting each tensile or fatigue test, the elastic
     modulus shall be measured by applying a small load (below yield)
     and recording the stress and strain.

     Axial strain control for low cycle tests. A switch to load 
     control is allowed after 100K cycles if the hysteresis loop
     shape has stabilized.  Hysteresis loops to be recorded in
     logarithmic cycle increments: 1,2,4,8,16,...  or some form 
     thereof, such that the cyclic softening/hardening behavior may
     be observed, and 1/2 life loop shape defined.  The first few 
     cycles may be plotted on one graph.  The loops should be of 
     sufficient size, on the graph paper, to obtain 3 significant figure
     accuracy when reading the stress or strain. Subsequent loops should be 
     plotted on graph paper by a shift of the X axis zero on the
     X-Y plotter. Full sized copies of graphs will be submitted.

     Tests can be stopped by a 10% load drop (from the stable load)  or 
     full seperation, and initial modulus slopes (1st cycle) should be 
     graphed or recorded.
     Use ASTM-E606 standards.

 Standard Strain Life Tests

 Test No.      Strain Amp    Expected Life
 --------      -------    --- Range ---

  S0           +- 0.010         500 cycles  (at least 2pts with 
  S1              0.008         750           plastic strain if possible)
  S2              0.007        2000
  S3              0.005        5000

  S4               *          10,000     (We need 3 Samples 
  S5               *          10,000      around 10K cycles)
  S6               *          10,000

  S7               *            50K
  S7b              *            50K
  S8               *           100K
  S9               *         100K - 1Million
  S10              *         100K - 1M
  S10b             *         100K - 1M

  S11              *         1M to 10M   (We need about 3
  S12              *         1M to 10M    samples in this 
  S13              *         1M to 10M    range)
  S14              *         1M to 10M

 * Strain level selected by tester.

For report or data files report Strain in strain units, NOT in %

If the expected strain levels are above +/-0.01 or +/-0.02 (axial
specimen buckling limits depend on quality of test machine aligment)
the test should be done using  Diametral specimens and Diametral 
extensometers.  Further info on request.


                                             page 3 of attachment

(C) Periodic Overload Tests (Load Control )as suggested by
    Prof. T.H.Topper Univ. of Waterloo:

   1. Observe the "10K" cycle test's  stress level from
      the constant amplitude results in (B).: +-S_10K

   2. Observe the Fatigue limit level from (B). :  ^S_fl
       (@ 10**6 cycles)

   3. Run the following tests:

 Wave form:

                           Smax= +S_10k
/\        /\        /\            /\        /\          
  \      /  \      /  |          |  \      /  \         
   \    /    \    /   |          |   \    /    \    
    \  /      \  /     \        /     \  /      \  / 
     \/        \/       |      |       \/        \/ 
                        |      |         Smin (see Tabl.) 
                         \    /                     
                          |  |   
                          |  |                      
                          |  |                
                           \/  Smin=-S_10k            
                    overload cycle

The overload cycle is +- S_10k
For the regular cycle, between overloads, set Smax to the same
Smax as found in the "10K" overload cycle.  Set Smin such that
the stress range corresponds to the following table:

  Test            ^ S              No. of cycles 
                                   between overloads
 ---------     -------------       -----------------

   OL1          100% ^ S_fl              200
   OL2           95% ^ S_fl              200
   OL3           90% ^ S_fl              300

   OL4           85% ^ S_fl              300
   OL5          ~85% ^ S_fl               *
   OL6           80% ^ S_fl              500

   OL7           75% ^ S_fl             1000  This may reach 10**7
   OL8           70% ^ S_fl             5000         "

  Stop any test after 10**7 cycles. Repeat the 10**7 test, if it
also goes to 10**7 do not go to any lower levels, but repeat or 
fill in some of the higher range tests.  In general a typical 
test should have between 2000 to  5000 overload cycles in it
     (i.e. between 0.2 to 0.5 of the "10K" test damage).  

The tester can adjust the numbers of cycles between overloads to 
achieve this as the overload testing series develops.  Once a cycle 
ratio is selected for a given test, however, it should not be changed 
during the test.

  The overload tests attempt to find the periodic overload fatigue 
limit curve.  For this steel it is expected to be around 0.75 
of the regular fatigue limit.