C saefcalc2e.f Ver. 1.6 Conversion of saefcalc2.f to use STRAIN input. Calc life SAVE C using sae std. fitted fatigue data file and a sae stand. rainf. file as input. (fac Oct25/04) C Linux Compile: g77 -g saefcalc2e.f -o saefcalc2e C or f77 -g saefcalc2e.f -o saefcalc2e C Sun F77 Compile: f77 -g -Bstatic saefcalc2e.f -o saefcalc2e C Usage: C saefcalc2e matl_fitted_file multfactor outfile C ^ ^------- is a multiplying factor to scale the rainflow file C |______________________is the digital fitted fatigue curve file C C In the rainflow file the data lines are assumed to be: C Erange Emean N Emax Emin C Where Emax, Emin are Strains (NOT elastic only!) in strain C and N_ is number of cycles. The "triples" sets can be repeated as C long as the argument list will allow. Only N, Emax, and Emin are actually C used in this program. Erange and Emean are only provided for visual assessment. C We will continue to use the Srange, Smean, Smax, etc notation for storage in order to minimize C program differences. Any changes made can be found with a "Cstrain" search. C The basic idea is to shut off the Neuber conversion. C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Copyright (C) 2004 SAE Fatigue Design and Evaluation Committee C This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or C modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as C published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the C license, or (at your option) any later version. C C This program is distributed in the hope tha it will be useful, C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of C MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the C GNU General PUblic License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU General PUblic License C along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software C Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA C Try also their web site: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C saefcalc2e.f Ver.1.6 fixes interpolation problem: See Cbugfix May2005 C Bad interp. when exact match to stress or strain found. C saefcalc2.f Ver.1.5 fixes format size problem for large local stresses C and a Solaris f77 inability to read a number into a char varible C using a * format type. See "Cbugfix Oct24/04 C saefcalc2.f Ver. 1.4 fixes %dam SWT bug: See "Cbugfix May31/04" C Derived from GPL program: C saefcalc1.f Ver. 1.3 Program to calculate life using sae std. fatigue data file C Version 1.3 fixes bug in SWT damage calc s/r (FAC May 22/04) C Version 1.1 has additions to allow for plotting of history and damage. C Search for "#plothist " in code below. (FAC Feb.12/02) C Assumptions and other items of interest: C Interpolation, on curves such as stress-life or strain-life is done in C log-log space. Generally anything that plots "better" on log-log C co-ords is also interpolated there. C The material input file is assumed to be a "fitted" file i.e.: the computer C will assume that a line could be drawn through the successive input data C points and that this line would make a reasonable curve, reasonalble C enough to allow one to compute values between the points. C It is expected that the tag C #DataType= fitted C will appear in the input stream. If not the program should error out. C If you are changing this routine please consider that sooner or later C someone will send a different type of file by mistake. C It is also expected that the tag: C #FileType= strain_life C will appear in the input stream. But, in the intrests of possibly C allowing other types of data files (e.g.: plastic materials), I'm not C certain this rule will always be enforced. C Other important identifiers expected in the input stream along with C defaults assumed and others allowed: C C Tag Example Default Others_possible...................... C #name= SAE1010 Unknown anything that starts with a letter C #E= 29000. None(error out) C #Stress_Units= MPA MPA ksi, psi C #Strain_Units= strain strain microstrain C #Life_Units= Reversals Reversals Cycles C #Su= 119.9 none C #Sy= 92.0 none C #BHN= 243 none C Future feature?: Allow material file tag C #Sort= life (default) or strain, stress C and sort the digital curves accordingly. Life sort should have biggest C first, Stress & strain sorts should have smallest first. C This would accomodate stress life curves that have shorter lives at low C stress levels. (i.e.: Cup towards left, or Cup right etc) C Cup or Cap type data is not allowed. C The first part of the program was adapted from saedigcurve.f. It reads C in the information from the material file, and decodes the input arguments. C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Eg. of SAE standard form fatigue data file: C ______ first column in file C | C v C C # SAE Exchange File Format. C # data collected from ASTM E606 axial fatigue test data. C # Note: The data below is not a real file C C #DataType= fitted C C #NAME= SAE1045 C #NAME= SAE350X C #NAME= SAE050X C #Ford= 34 C #Stress_Units= KSI C #Strain_Units= strain C #Life_Units= reversals C #E= 30000. C #Su= 89. C #Sy= 50. C #%RA= 85. C #BHN= 325 C #WebPage= http://fde.uwaterloo.ca/Fde/Materials/Steels/ASTM-A588C/g40.21-50A_non_os.html C C # Total Strain 2Nf Stress Mean Plastic Strain Initial C # Amp Amp Stress Amp Elastic Mod. C 0.0125 180 279. .0 0.0030 30100. #Fitted_point C 0.0095 490 253. .0 0.0011 29400. #Fitted_point C 0.0090 950 229. .0 0.0007 29800. #Fitted_point C 0.0075 2260 220. .0 0.0002 30050. #Fitted_point C 0.0050 38000. 149. .0 0.0 29900. #Fitted_point C 0.0040 770000 119. .0 0 30700. #Fitted_point C # C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C SAMPLE RAINFLOW INPUT FILE: C # grpltorweld.rain Used for Weld Challeng 2 C #Use some sort of multiplier to change odd units to STRAIN C #Data format is: C # Range Mean Cycles Max Min C #BEGIN DATA C 560. 40.0 1 320. -240. C 452. 40.0 1 266. -186. C 434. 31.0 1 248. -186. C 397. 31.0 1 230. -168. C 361. 31.0 1 212. -150. C 361. 12.9 1 194. -168. C 307. 40.0 2 194. -114. C 307. 21.9 2 175. -132. C 289. 85.2 2 230. -59.4 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*1 INP1(80) CHARACTER*5 INP5(16),JNP5(16) CHARACTER*10 INP10(8),JNP10(56) character*11 clifeout(10) CHARACTER*80 JNP80(7),INP80, INP80temp EQUIVALENCE (INP1(1),INP5(1),INP10(1),INP80), & (JNP5(1),JNP10(1),JNP80(1)) character*300 inp300,jnp300,Cwebpage character*1 inpone(300),jnpone(300) character*10 inpten(30) equivalence (inpone(1), inpten(1), inp300) equivalence (jnpone(1),jnp300) character*10 name1, name2, stressunits character*10 strainunits, lifeunits, sorttype character*30 names30(10), firstfield, ctail character*30 cfiletype, Cdatatype character*80 argv, fname integer uno integer*4 iargc, argc C Save the arg line values here: integer nargsets real Smaxin(250), Sminin(250), Cyclesin(250) C And each input will create one of these: real Srangein(250), StressReps(250) real SwatReps(250), StrainReps(250), MorReps(250),GoodReps(250), & Sigmaxin(250),Sigminin(250),Epsmaxin(250),Epsminin(250), & DeltaSigin(250),DeltaEpsin(250) real pcswatdam(250),pcstraindam(250),pcstressdam(250), & pcgooddam(250), pcmordam(250) real Morlife C Save the digital curves here: C Check dimensions in the various subroutines too !!!!!!!!!!!! real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) real tstrain(250),tstress(250) C tstrain & tstress are used only for loop plotting and passing c from s/r getloop integer ndata Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain Cdidntwork to s/rs PARAMETER ( IDIM=250 ) idim=250 C = max dimension of digital curve stuff XMPAS=6.894759 C Set some default values in case user forgets stressunits="MPA" strainunits="strain" lifeunits="reversals" EMOD=0. Cdatatype=" " cfiletype=" " Sult=0. Syield=0. percentRA=0. Cwebpage=" " FractureStress=0. FractureStrain=0. ifordnumber=0 nbrinell=0 sorttype="life" C Check the number of args. Must be in sets of three C C Note !!!!!!!!!!!!! for HP fortran the arg numbers must be changed by -1 C and the iragc probably includes the "saefcalc2" as an arg. argc = iargc() C In saefcalc1.f rainflow data was in args. NOT in saefcalc2.f C argc=argc-1 C nargsets= argc/3 C Make sure there are triples: C If ( (nargsets *3).ne.argc .or. C & argc .eq. 0) then C WRITE(0,*)" saefcalc1: usage ERROR" C WRITE(6,*)" saefcalc1: usage ERROR" C write(0,*)"Usage e.g.: saefcalc1 matl_filename 250 -250 1 ", C & ">OutputFile" C write(0,*)" Where [ Smax Smin N ] can be multiple sets." if(argc.ne. 2)then write(0,*)"#Error: saefcalc2e : wrong no. of arguments" write(6,*)"#Error: saefcalc2e : wrong no. of arguments" write(0,*)"#Usage e.g.: saefcalc2e matl_file multFactor", & " outfile" STOP ENDIF C The first arg is material file name jvect=1 call getarg(jvect,fname) write(6,*)"#Opening material file= ",fname," as unit 10" open(unit=10,file=fname) C 2nd arg should be the multiplier factor jvect=2 call getarg(jvect,INP80) read(INP80,*,err=600)xmultf write(6,*)"#Found History multiply factor: ",xmultf write(0,*)"#Found History multiply factor: ",xmultf go to 610 600 write(0,*)"#Error: Could not read multFactor:",INP80 write(0,*)"#Usage e.g.: saefcalc2e matl_file multFactor", & " outfile" stop 610 continue CC It appears that there are nargsets of triples. C do 750 i=1,nargsets C jvect=jvect+1 C call getarg(jvect,argv) C read (argv,*,err=760)Smaxin(i) C jvect=jvect+1 C call getarg(jvect,argv) C read (argv,*,err=760)Sminin(i) C jvect=jvect+1 C call getarg(jvect,argv) C read (argv,*,err=760)Cyclesin(i) CC Ensure that Cycles is +ve C if(Cyclesin(i).le.0)then C write(6,741)i, Cyclesin(i) C write(0,741)i, Cyclesin(i) C 741 format(" ERROR: saefcalc2: Cyclesin(",i4,") bad value =", C & e14.7) C endif C This section replaces the bit directly above. Here read stdin i=0 do 750 j=1,idim C Read in the rainflow file. Expect comments with #xxxx text read(5,742)inp300 742 format(a300) C Check for blank line. if(inp300.eq." ")then write(6,*) go to 750 endif Cbugfix Oct24/05 : Was: read(inp300,*)INP80 (Solaris bombs out on data line) read(inp300,"(a80)")INP80 if(INP1(1).eq."#")then C comment line, write and skip uno=6 call WR(uno,inp300) go to 750 endif C Must be a data line i=i+1 read(inp300,*,end=751,err=760)rangein, xmeanin, & Cyclesin(i),Smaxin(i),Sminin(i) if(Smaxin(i).eq.0. .and. Sminin(i).eq.0. .and. & Cyclesin(i).eq.0. )then C Data line is all zeros, old method of exit i=i-1 go to 751 endif C Make sure max is max if(Smaxin(i).lt.Sminin(i))then xtemp=Smaxin(i) Smaxin(i)=Sminin(i) Sminin(i)=xtemp endif C See if someone put in equal max & min Srangein(i)=Smaxin(i)-Sminin(i) if(Srangein(i).eq.0)then write(0,745)j write(6,745)j 745 format(" Error: in rainflow file, line= ",i4," Smax=Smin") write(0,*)"#",inp300 stop endif C Apply the multiplication factor from command line Smaxin(i)=Smaxin(i)*xmultf Sminin(i)=Sminin(i)*xmultf Srangein(i)=Smaxin(i)-Sminin(i) Cstrain: change format sta. a bit: write(6,*)"#Input x MultF : Emax=",Smaxin(i)," Emin=",Sminin(i), & "Erange=",Srangein(i)," Cycles=",Cyclesin(i) if(i.eq.1)then overallsmax=Smaxin(i) overallsmin=Sminin(i) else if(overallsmax.lt.Smaxin(i))overallsmax=Smaxin(i) if(overallsmin.gt.Sminin(i))overallsmin=Sminin(i) endif 750 continue C End of rainflow input file 751 continue nargsets=i go to 770 760 write(0,*)" saefcalc2e: rainfile Bad Emax,Emin,N. =", inp300 write(6,*)" saefcalc2e: rainfile Bad Emax,Emin,N. =", inp300 stop 770 continue C All the comand line triplets are in. Now is a good time to C sort them by range size. if(nargsets.eq.1)go to 791 do 790 i=1,nargsets ifind=0 bigrange=0. do 780 j=i,nargsets if(bigrange.gt.Srangein(j)) go to 780 C Nope, its bigger bigrange=Srangein(j) ifind=j 780 continue C bigrange is now the biggest & is at location j C Save it in a temp location tsmax=Smaxin(ifind) tsmin=Sminin(ifind) tcyc= Cyclesin(ifind) trange=Srangein(ifind) C Now move the stuff pointed to by the big loop C into "bigrange's" location Smaxin(ifind) =Smaxin(i) Sminin(ifind) =Sminin(i) Cyclesin(ifind)=Cyclesin(i) Srangein(ifind)=Srangein(i) C Put the temp stuff into the "i" location Smaxin(i)=tsmax Sminin(i)=tsmin Srangein(i)=trange Cyclesin(i)=tcyc 790 continue 791 continue write(6,*)"#Inputs after sorting:" write(6,*)"# Smax_in Smin_in SRange_in Cycles_in" do 795 i=1,nargsets write(6,793)Smaxin(i),Sminin(i),Srangein(i), & Cyclesin(i) 793 format("#Inputs= ",3(1x,f6.1),1x,f11.1) 795 continue write(6,*)"Done with Rainflow input file" C Initilize some counters and flags for reading stuff out of material file ifitted=0 C =1 for each "#DataType= fitted" tag ninput=0 C = Counts input lines ndata=0 C = Counts input data lines numnames=0 C = counts no. #NAMES ifordnumber= 0 C = contains Ford file number ID numcomment=0 C = counts no. # comment lines C---------------------------- Read in Fitted material file from stdin------------- write(6,*)"#Reading material file...." write(0,*)"#Reading material file...." 800 continue c Loop back to here for next input line. C Input lines may either be 1. data lines, 2. #Comment lines or 3. blank C It will be hard to distinguish the real comment from the junk comment. C Leave it up to the user to edit the comment section. read(10,"(a300)",end=980)inp300 ninput=ninput+1 Cdebug write(0,*)" read input line ",ninput C Check for blank line if(inp300.eq." ")then C write(6,"(a1)")" " go to 800 endif if(inpone(1).ne."#")then C We may have a data line, or someone screwed up and put the # later in line. C See if 1st char is a # later in line do 805 i=1,300 if(inpone(i).eq." ") go to 805 C No? 1st non-blank found, if # its not a data line loc=i if(inpone(i).eq."#") then C Shift the whole mess over to begining of field inew=0 do 803 j=loc,300 inew=inew+1 inpone(inew)=inpone(j) 803 continue Cdebug write(0,*)"Shifted a comment: ",(inpone(j),j=1,inew) C Ok, now its a nice comment. Go play with it. go to 880 else C The first non blank is not a # go to 810 endif 805 continue 810 continue C 1st non blank is not a #. Check if its a number. if(inpone(loc).ne."+" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."-" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."." .and. & inpone(loc).ne."0" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."1" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."2" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."3" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."4" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."5" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."6" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."7" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."8" .and. & inpone(loc).ne."9" )then C It must be a letter, not a number. Time to bomb out. write(0,815)ninput write(6,815)ninput 815 format(" ERROR saefcalc2: input line no. ",I5, & " not a # and not a number. Edit fitted fatigue", & " curve input file") stop endif C Ok, it should be like this one: C 0.0125 180 279. .0 0.0030 30100. #specimen comment C # Total Strain 2Nf Stress Mean Plastic Strain Initial C # Amp Amp Stress Amp Elastic Mod. C Note that the trailing comment field "#specimen comment" may or may not be there. C We should be able to read the first 5 fields as real numbers. Since 2Nf may have C more than 7 signif. digits, it needs to be read in as a double precision. It may C be an integer. The value can be changed later to whatever the local format is. C Since this is all "Fitted" data expressing a curve, we only need the first 3 items. ndata=ndata+1 if(ndata.gt.idim)then write(0,816) write(6,816) 816 format(" Error too many data points:",i5, & " recompile saefcalc2.f") stop endif read(inp300,*)StrainAmp(ndata), Lifecycles(ndata), & StressAmp(ndata) Cdebug write(6,*)StrainAmp(ndata), Longlife(ndata), Cdebug & StressAmp(ndata) C If we have not crashed by here, the data from the line has been read in. C Now figure out if there is comment at the end of line. C In saefcalc2 we don't really need to do this, but the code is here for C some possible future use. ? :) C Brute force it. Hunt for a # do 820 i=1,300 if(inpone(i).eq."#")then C we found it in col i Cdebug write(0,*)"found # trailer in data line" loc=i go to 822 endif 820 continue C If we got to here, the trailing field is empty go to 855 822 continue C Now count backwards and see where the last char is do 830 i=1,300 j=300-(i-1) if(inpone(j).ne." ")then C found last char lastloc=j go to 832 endif 830 continue 832 continue C It is possible that the #field is an html tag, so it may be real long C Move the stuff to begin of a new field for decoding j=0 do 840 i=loc,lastloc j=j+1 jnpone(j)=inpone(i) 840 continue Cdebug write(0,*)"Trailer # on data: ",(jnpone(i),i=1,j) C Check to see if any special tags are in this field C If the field is blank, then what? read(jnp300,*)ctail C if(ctail.eq."#Runout" .or. C & ctail.eq."#RUNOUT" .or. C & ctail.eq."#runout" )then C The data point was a runout C In the local company's format, runouts are -ve nos. C Change it to whatever you like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C longlife=-longlife C endif C #knifeEdge and #outsideGage are also known tags C but we dont do anything with them right now. C So just write out, and say which point. Cdebug write(6,850)ndata,(jnpone(i),i=1,j) 850 format(" Pt No.", I5, " : ", 300a1) C Now save the data in the local program fields 855 continue C End of data line processing, write it out later, when all are in. go to 800 endif C Input line has a # in first col, check it just in case 880 continue if(inpone(1).ne."#")then C something is bad in program write(0,*)" ERROR 880, sorry prog. messed up call ? admin" stop endif C Ok, its a nice comment. Figure out if its a special tag. read(inp300,*)firstfield if(firstfield .eq."#FileType=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#filetype=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#FILETYPE=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, cfiletype if(cfiletype.ne."strain_life")then C We have the wrong kind of sae file here folks write(0,*)" WARNING: wrong type of SAE std file. ", & " Not #FileType= strain_life" endif C filetype is ok. Write it out as a comment go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#DataType=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#DATATYPE=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#datatype=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, Cdatatype if(Cdatatype.ne."fitted")then C We have the wrong kind of sae file here folks write(0,*)" ERROR, wrong type of SAE std file. ", & " Not #DataType= fitted" stop endif C DataType is ok. Write it out as a comment go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#NAME=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Name=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#name=" )then numnames=numnames+1 read(inp300,*) firstfield, names30(numnames) go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#UNITS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Stress_units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#STRESS_UNITS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Stress_Units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#stress_units=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, stressunits go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#STRAIN_UNITS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Strain_units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#STRAIN_units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Strain_Units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#strain_units=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, strainunits go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#LIFEUNITS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Life_units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#LIFE_UNITS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Life_Units=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#life_units=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, lifeunits go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#Su=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#SU=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, Sult go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#Sy=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#SY=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, Syield go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#E=" .or. firstfield .eq."#e=" .or. & firstfield.eq."#EMOD=" .or. firstfield .eq."#Emod=".or. & firstfield .eq."#emod=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#MODULUS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Modulus=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#modulus=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, EMOD go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#%RA=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#%Ra=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, percentRA go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#WebPage=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Webpage=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#WEBPAGE=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#webpage=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, Cwebpage go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#FractureStress=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#fracturestress=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#FRACTURESTRESS=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Fracturestress=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, FractureStress go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#FractureStrain=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Fracturestrain=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#fracturestrain=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#FRACTURESTRAIN=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, FractureStrain go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#Ford=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#FORD=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#ford=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, ifordnumber go to 950 endif if(firstfield .eq."#BHN=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#bhn=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#Bhn=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#HBN=" .or. & firstfield .eq."#HB=" )then read(inp300,*) firstfield, xnbrinell nbrinell=IFIX(xnbrinell) go to 950 endif C Look for things we should skip over in the output write(INP80temp,939) 939 format("#Here is the bottom part of the ", & "html graph/calc wrapper-----------") if(INP300.eq. INP80temp)go to 800 if(INP300.eq. &"#" & )go to 800 if(INP300.eq. &"#" & )go to 800 CC It was NOT a special comment. Save it. If it was a # blank line, discard it. CC Count backwards to find last non-blank char of string C do 940 i=1,300 C j=300-(i-1) C if(inpone(j).ne." ") then CC found last char C lastloc=j C go to 943 C endif C 940 continue C CC We also need to save the no of chars for each comm line CC If it was a #blank forget it C 943 continue C if(lastloc.eq.1)go to 800 CC Look for some other dumb lines and discard them C read(inp300,*) dummy C if(dummy.eq."#saeinput")go to 800 C if(dummy.eq."#---------")go to 800 C C numcomment=numcomment+1 C numcomchars(numcomment)=lastloc CC save the first 80 chars C read(inp300,"(a80)")comment80(numcomment) C go to 800 950 continue C Write out the comment line C Count backwards and see where the last char is do 960 i=1,300 j=300-(i-1) if(inpone(j).ne." ")then C found last char lastloc=j go to 962 endif 960 continue 962 continue write(6,"(300a1)")(inpone(i),i=1,lastloc) C Go read another line go to 800 980 continue C All input lines have been read. The comments were C put out along the way. Its time to dump out the data C in whatever format the local machine wants it. This bit C is probably site specific. C See if some of the critical values are missing: if(EMOD.eq.0.)then write(0,*)" ERROR #EMOD= missing value" write(6,*)" ERROR #EMOD= missing value" stop endif if(Cdatatype.eq." ")then write(0,*)" ERROR #DataType= missing value" write(6,*)" ERROR #DataType= missing value" stop endif if(Sult.eq.0.)then write(0,*)" WARNING: #Sult= missing value" write(6,*)" WARNING: #Sult= missing value" write(6,*)" Cannot compute Goodman Damage." stop endif write(6,*)"#CHECK THESE Assumptions:" write(6,*)"#Stress_units=",stressunits," Strain_units=", & strainunits," Life_units=",lifeunits write(6,*)"#EMOD=",EMOD, " Sult=",Sult," Syield=",Syield, & " %RA=",percentRA," Fracture_Stress=",FractureStress, & " Fracture_Strain=",FractureStrain write(6,*)"#Ford=",ifordnumber," BHN=",nbrinell if(stressunits .eq."mpa" .or. & stressunits .eq."MPA" .or. & stressunits .eq."MPa" .or. & stressunits .eq."Mpa" )then stressunits="MPa" go to 1010 endif if(stressunits .eq."ksi" .or. & stressunits .eq."KSI" .or. & stressunits .eq."Ksi" )then C We really do not need to change units?? What if loads C are in mpa and material in ksi?? hm, Ok make everything mpa EMOD=EMOD*XMPAS Sult=Sult*XMPAS Syield=Syield*XMPAS FractureStress=FractureStress*XMPAS do 983 i=1,ndata StressAmp(i)=StressAmp(i)*XMPAS 983 continue write(6,*)"#Material file ksi -> MPa." stressunits="MPa" go to 1010 endif if(stressunits .eq."psi" .or. & stressunits .eq."PSI" .or. & stressunits .eq."Psi" )then xtemp =XMPAS/1000. EMOD=EMOD*xtemp Sult=Sult*xtemp Syield=Syield*xtemp FractureStress=FractureStress*xtemp do 985 i=1,ndata StressAmp(i)=StressAmp(i)*xtemp 985 continue write(6,*)"#Material file: psi -> MPa." stressunits="MPa" endif 1010 continue if(strainunits .eq."Microstrain" .or. & strainunits .eq."MICROSTRAIN" .or. & strainunits .eq."MicroStrain" )then FractureStrain=FractureStrain/1.0E6 do 1020 i=1,ndata StrainAmp(i)=StrainAmp(i)/1.0E+6 1020 continue write(6,*)"#Material file Microstrain -> strain" strainunits="strain" endif if(lifeunits .eq."reversals" .or. & lifeunits .eq."REVERSALS" .or. & lifeunits .eq."Reversals" )then do 1030 i=1,ndata Lifecycles(i)=Lifecycles(i)/2. 1030 continue write(6,*)"#Material file: Reversals -> Cycles" lifeunits="cycles" endif C Now sort the stress,strain, life values ------------------ do 1090 i=1,ndata ifind=0 biglife=0. do 1080 j=i,ndata if(biglife.gt.Lifecycles(j)) go to 1080 C Nope, its bigger biglife=Lifecycles(j) ifind=j 1080 continue Cdebug write(6,*)" Sorting ",ifind, " into ",i C biglife is now the biggest & is at location j C Save it in a temp location tempstrain=StrainAmp(ifind) tempstress=StressAmp(ifind) templife=Lifecycles(ifind) C Now move the stuff pointed to by the big loop C into "biglife's" location StrainAmp(ifind) =StrainAmp(i) StressAmp(ifind) =StressAmp(i) Lifecycles(ifind)=Lifecycles(i) C Put the temp stuff into the "i" location StrainAmp(i)=tempstrain StressAmp(i)=tempstress Lifecycles(i)=templife 1090 continue do 1092 i=1,ndata C Look for FractureStress & Strain value at N=0.5 if(Lifecycles(i) .eq. 0.5)then C We have a good approx of FractureStress & Strain FractureStress=StressAmp(i) write(6,*)"#Took SigmaF_primed value =", & FractureStress," at N=0.5" FractureStrain=StrainAmp(i) write(6,*)"#Took Frac.Strain value =", & FractureStrain," at N=0.5" endif Cdebug write(6,*)StrainAmp(i),StressAmp(i),Lifecycles(i) 1092 continue if(FractureStress.eq. 0.)then C If no N=0.5 occured we need to extrapolate for FractureStress xslope= & ( alog10(StressAmp(ndata-1 )) -alog10(StressAmp(ndata )) ) / & ( alog10(Lifecycles(ndata-1)) -alog10(Lifecycles(ndata)) ) xlogSigfp= alog10( StressAmp(ndata-1)) - & xslope*( alog10(Lifecycles(ndata-1)) -alog10(0.5) ) FractureStress=10.0**xlogSigfp write(6,*)"# Extrapolated to FractureStress =", & FractureStress xslope= & ( alog10(StrainAmp(ndata-1)) -alog10(StrainAmp(ndata)) ) / & ( alog10(Lifecycles(ndata-1)) -alog10(Lifecycles(ndata)) ) xlogS= alog10(StrainAmp(ndata-1)) - & xslope*( alog10(Lifecycles(ndata-1)) -alog10(0.5) ) FractureStrain=10.0**xlogS write(6,*)"# Extrapolated to FractureStrain =", & FractureStrain endif C All is well with input data. Fill in the other "columns" C for the material file matrix (some folks might C call this a spreadsheet). Cbugfix Oct24/04: change to #xcalc1 tag : write(6,1096) 1096 format("#xcalc1 Strain_Amp Cycles Stress_Amp", & " Elas_Str_Amp ", C Cstrain: change this format statment a bit: & " Plas_Str_Amp Smax*Str_Amp Enominal_Amp") do 1100 i=1,ndata C Put out in reverse order to storage j=ndata+1-i ElstrainAmp(j)=StressAmp(j)/EMOD PlstrainAmp(j)=StrainAmp(j)-ElstrainAmp(j) SigmaxStrainAmp(j)=StressAmp(j)*StrainAmp(j) C Cstrain: OK, here is the major change: C SelasticAmp(j)=SQRT( StressAmp(j)*StrainAmp(j)*EMOD) SelasticAmp(j)= StrainAmp(j) C Cstrain: Now the "nominal Stress" is just simple strain write(6,1098) StrainAmp(j),Lifecycles(j), & StressAmp(j),ElstrainAmp(j),PlstrainAmp(j), & SigmaxStrainAmp(j),SelasticAmp(j) Cbugfix Oct24/04: change to #xcalc1 tag : 1098 format("#xcalc1 ",f8.5,1x,f11.1,1x,f6.1, & 1x,f8.5,1x,f8.5,1x,E14.7,1x,f8.5) C Cstrain: changed above nominal output format to allow strain 1100 continue C analysis ------------------------------------------------ C We are not going to bother with other assumptions, but will deal C only with hanging the loops on the largest Tensile 1/2 cycle. C If for some reason the loop lies outside of the bounds of the C biggest cycle (it should not if rainlow counted), then hang it C on the skeleton curve again. In some cases this can cause a substantial C diff. in the damage due to altered mean stress, so maybe send a warning C to the user. C Init total damage counters totswatdam=0. totstraindam=0. totstressdam=0. totgooddam=0. totmordam=0. C Loop for each user Smax,Smin,N triplet do 1700 iloop=1,nargsets C This is same for all loops: Samp=(Smaxin(iloop)-Sminin(iloop))/2. C Cstrain: no change here. Nominals are just strain. call getLoad2StressStrain(Samp,Sigamp,Epsamp,iexit) write(6,*)"getL2S-S:",Samp,Sigamp,Epsamp,iloop DeltaSigin(iloop)=Sigamp*2 DeltaEpsin(iloop)=Epsamp*2 C Check for overload beyond all data if(iexit.eq.1)then write(6,1240)Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop) 1240 format(" ERROR: Overload beyond all property", & " values, Smaxin,Sminin=",2f6.1) go to 8000 endif C The 1st has the biggest range due to previous sort, C so it must hang on the skeleton curve. if(iloop .eq. 1) go to 1300 C No, then it may fit inside the biggest which is no.1 C Check for fit: if(Smaxin(iloop).le.Smaxin(1) .and. & Sminin(iloop).ge.Sminin(1) )then C Yes it fits C The biggest loop was previously "placed", we already know C the two triples: Smaxin(1),Sigmaxin(1),Epsmaxin(1) C and Sminin(1),Sigminin(1),Epsminin(1) C Now find this smaller loops stuff C Now place the upper tip. Its attached to the biggest 1/2 cycle (1) DiffS=Smaxin(iloop)-Sminin(1) C Get the DS & DE to get us there Samp=DiffS/2. call getLoad2StressStrain(Samp,Sigamp,Epsamp,iexit) write(6,*)"getL2S-S:",Samp,Sigamp,Epsamp,iloop if(iexit.eq.1)then write(6,1240)Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop) go to 8000 endif Sigmaxin(iloop)=Sigminin(1)+(Sigamp*2.) Epsmaxin(iloop)=Epsminin(1)+(Epsamp*2.) C Now place the lower tip: Upper tip less deltas Sigminin(iloop)=Sigmaxin(iloop)-DeltaSigin(iloop) Epsminin(iloop)=Epsmaxin(iloop)-DeltaEpsin(iloop) write(6,*)"NonSkeleton tips:",Sigmaxin(iloop), & Epsmaxin(iloop),Sigminin(iloop),Epsminin(iloop) & ," Nom:",Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop)," loop=",iloop C Loop is placed. Go get the damage go to 1500 endif C No, loop does not fit inside. Stick it on the skeleton curve. 1300 continue Saverage=(Smaxin(iloop)+Sminin(iloop))/2.0 if(Saverage .ge. 0.)then C The loop is more on the tensile side. Attach to tensile C skeleton curve. Samp= Smaxin(iloop) call getLoad2StressStrain(Samp,Sigamp, & Epsamp,iexit) write(6,*)"getL2S-S:",Samp,Sigamp,Epsamp,iloop if(iexit.eq.1)then write(6,1240)Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop) go to 8000 endif Sigmaxin(iloop)=Sigamp Epsmaxin(iloop)=Epsamp Sigminin(iloop)=Sigmaxin(iloop)-DeltaSigin(iloop) Epsminin(iloop)=Epsmaxin(iloop)-DeltaEpsin(iloop) write(6,*)"TensSkeleton:",Sigmaxin(iloop), & Epsmaxin(iloop),Sigminin(iloop),Epsminin(iloop) & ,"Nom:",Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop) C Loop is placed, go get damaged go to 1500 else C Loop is more into compression. Thus minimum tip is attaced Samp=ABS(Sminin(iloop)) call getLoad2StressStrain(Samp,Sigamp, & Epsamp,iexit) if(iexit.eq.1)then write(6,1240)Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop) go to 8000 endif Sigminin(iloop)=-Sigamp Epsminin(iloop)=-Epsamp C Use deltas to get to upper tip Sigmaxin(iloop)=Sigminin(iloop)+DeltaSigin(iloop) Epsmaxin(iloop)=Epsminin(iloop)+DeltaEpsin(iloop) write(6,*)"CompSkeleton:",Sigmaxin(iloop), & Epsmaxin(iloop),Sigminin(iloop),Epsminin(iloop) & ," Nom:",Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop) C Loop is placed, go get damaged go to 1500 endif 1500 continue C Damage assessment C We know where each loop's tip is. Sigmaxin Epsmaxin DeltaSigin DeltaEpsin C Sigminin Epsminin Deltasigin DeltaEpsin C We also know that the biggest loop is in (1), and could thus deploy C some overload compensation code- although we may already have that as C the input curve. C As usual, we have the problem of what is infinity? i.e. if the level C is below the last user value of the material file, what value should we C pass back at inf? Lets try the -ve of the last material curve point. C Thus a negative returned life means it was below the last data point on C the material curve. And the absolute value is the value of the last C point on the material curve. C It is also possible to have flat spots in the life curves. If we C hit a flat spot, the lowest life value will be used. What about C C Compute the Smith/Watson/Topper product Smax * Strain_Amp C Cyclesin() was checked for +ve xamp=DeltaEpsin(iloop)/2. xN=Cyclesin(iloop) Swatproduct=Sigmaxin(iloop) * xamp call getSwat2Life(Swatproduct,Swatlife,iexit) write(6,*)"getSwatl:",Swatproduct,Swatlife C That was per loop, now how many loops in this input triplet? C Infinite life will be a -ve number if(Swatlife .gt.0)then SwatReps(iloop)=Swatlife/xN totswatdam=totswatdam+(xN/Swatlife) else SwatReps(iloop)=Swatlife endif call getStrain2Life(xamp,Strainlife,iexit) write(6,*)"getStrl:",xamp,Strainlife if(Strainlife .gt.0.)then StrainReps(iloop)=Strainlife/xN totstraindam=totstraindam+(xN/Strainlife) else Cbugfix May31/04: StrainReps(iloop)=Strainlife endif Smean= (Sigmaxin(iloop)+Sigminin(iloop) )/2. Sa=DeltaSigin(iloop)/2.0 call getStress2Life(Sa,Stresslife,iexit) write(6,*)"getStsl:",Sa,Stresslife," Sts" if(Stresslife .gt. 0.)then StressReps(iloop)=Stresslife/xN totstressdam=totstressdam+(xN/Stresslife) else Cbugfix May31/04: StressReps(iloop)=Stresslife endif C Compute equiv stress for Goodman SeqGoodman=Sa * (Sult/(Sult-Smean)) call getStress2Life(SeqGoodman,Goodlife,iexit) write(6,*)"getStsl:",SeqGoodman,Goodlife," Goo" if(Goodlife .gt. 0.)then GoodReps(iloop)=Goodlife/xN totgooddam=totgooddam+(xN/Goodlife) else Cbugfix May31/04: GoodReps(iloop)=Goodlife endif C Compute Morrow equiv. SeqMorrow=Sa *(FractureStress/(FractureStress-Smean)) call getStress2Life(SeqMorrow,Morlife,iexit) write(6,*)"getStsl:",SeqMorrow,Morlife," Mor" if(Morlife .gt. 0.)then MorReps(iloop)=Morlife/xN totmordam=totmordam+(xN/Morlife) else Cbugfix May31/04: MorReps(iloop)=Morlife endif C End of loop selction do-loop 1700 continue C -------------------------------------------------------------- C Calc the % damage contribution of each input level write(6,*)"Debug totdams:",totswatdam,totstraindam, & totstressdam,totgooddam,totmordam do 1800 iloop=1,nargsets if(SwatReps(iloop).gt.0)then pcswatdam(iloop)= (1.0/SwatReps(iloop))/totswatdam & *100. else pcswatdam(iloop)=0. endif if(StrainReps(iloop).gt.0)then pcstraindam(iloop)= (1.0/StrainReps(iloop))/totstraindam & *100. else pcstraindam(iloop)=0. endif if(StressReps(iloop).gt.0)then pcstressdam(iloop)= (1.0/StressReps(iloop))/totstressdam & *100. else pcstressdam(iloop)=0. endif if(GoodReps(iloop).gt.0)then pcgooddam(iloop)= (1.0/GoodReps(iloop))/totgooddam & *100. else pcgooddam(iloop)=0. endif if(MorReps(iloop).gt.0)then pcmordam(iloop)= (1.0/MorReps(iloop))/totmordam & *100. else pcmordam(iloop)=0. endif write(6,*)"Debug %dams:", & pcstraindam(iloop),pcswatdam(iloop), & pcstressdam(iloop),pcgooddam(iloop),pcmordam(iloop) 1800 continue C All done with calcs. C ---------------------------------------------- Output---------- C Write out the title line C Get the first 10 chars from each of first two names name1=" " name2=" " if(numnames.ge.2)then read(names30(1),*)name1 read(names30(2),*)name2 endif if(numnames.eq.1)then read(names30(1),*)name1 endif write(6,1490),name1,name2, nbrinell,ifordnumber 1490 format("# ",A10," ",A10," BHN= ",f5.0," Fn= ",I4) write(6,2010) 2010 format("#xcalc2 Loop Smax Smin N Sigmax ", & " Sigmin Delta Epsmax Epsmin DeltaEps ", & " %Eps %SWaT %Sts %Morr %Goodm ") do 2020 iloop=1,nargsets write(6,2014)iloop, Smaxin(iloop),Sminin(iloop),Cyclesin(iloop), & Sigmaxin(iloop),Sigminin(iloop),DeltaSigin(iloop), & Epsmaxin(iloop),Epsminin(iloop),DeltaEpsin(iloop), & pcstraindam(iloop),pcswatdam(iloop),pcstressdam(iloop), & pcmordam(iloop),pcgooddam(iloop) Cbugfix Oct24/04: increase size of local stress output fields: C Cstrain: change format to allow "Nominal" as strain Cold 2014 format("#xcalc2 ",i4, 1x,f7.1,1x,f7.1,f11.1, 2014 format("#xcalc2 ",i4, 1x,f7.4,1x,f7.4,f11.1, & 3(1x,f6.0), 3(1x,f7.5), 5(1x,f5.1) ) 2020 continue if(totstraindam.eq.0.)then clifeout(1)=" Infinity " else write(clifeout(1),2025)1.0/totstraindam 2025 format(f11.1) endif if(totswatdam.eq.0.)then clifeout(2)=" Infinity " else write(clifeout(2),2025)1.0/totswatdam endif if(totstraindam.eq.0.)then clifeout(3)=" Infinity " else write(clifeout(3),2025)1.0/totstressdam endif if(totstraindam.eq.0.)then clifeout(4)=" Infinity " else write(clifeout(4),2025)1.0/totmordam endif if(totstraindam.eq.0.)then clifeout(5)=" Infinity " else write(clifeout(5),2025)1.0/totgooddam endif write(6,2028) 2028 format("#xcalc3 StrainLife_Reps SWaT_Life_Reps ", & "StressLife_Reps Morrow_Reps Goodman_Reps ", & "(Reps= Repetions)" ) write(6,2030)(clifeout(i),i=1,5) 2030 format("#xcalc3 ",10(a11,5x)) C-------------- Plotting --------------------------------------------- do 2500 iloop=1,nargsets C If it is the 1st loop, we should also do the skeleton curve if(iloop.eq.1)then C Find the points for the skeleton curve Saverage=(Sigmaxin(iloop)+Sigminin(iloop))/2. if(Saverage.ge.0.)then C Its on the tensile side Samp=Sigmaxin(iloop) call getloop(Samp,tstrain,tstress,nvalues,iexit) C By this time iexit should always be 0 C The vectors tstrain & tstress have the points along the 1/2 cycle write(6,2110) 2110 format("#plotloops"/ & "#plotloops #Tensile Skeleton curve") c The first point is always(?) 0,0 do 2150 i=1,nvalues write(6,2115)tstrain(i),tstress(i) Cbugfix Oct 24/04: increase size of stress format field: 2115 format("#plotloops ",f8.5,1x,f8.1) 2150 continue go to 2200 else C Its on the Comp. side Samp=-Sigminin(iloop) call getloop(Samp,tstrain,tstress,nvalues,iexit) C The vectors tstrain & tstress have the points along the 1/2 cycle write(6,2120) 2120 format("#plotloops"/ & "#plotloops #Compression Skeleton curve") c The first point is always(?) 0,0 do 2160 i=1,nvalues write(6,2115)-tstrain(i),-tstress(i) 2160 continue go to 2200 endif endif C Its a loop 2200 continue C The loops have all been previously located in space, thus c all we need is the "fill" between the tips Samp=(Sigmaxin(iloop)-Sigminin(iloop) )/2. call getloop(Samp,tstrain,tstress,nvalues,iexit) write(6,2205) 2205 format("#plotloops") C Start at the compressive tip and go up: write(6,2207)iloop 2207 format("#plotloops #Tensile side of loop ",i4) C tstrain & tstress are in amplitudes, thus: estart=Epsminin(iloop) sstart=Sigminin(iloop) do 2050 i=1,nvalues x=estart+tstrain(i)*2. s=sstart+tstress(i)*2. write(6,2115)x,s 2050 continue C Start at the tensile tip and go down: write(6,2257)iloop 2257 format("#plotloops #Compressive side of loop ",i4) C tstrain & tstress are in amplitudes, thus: estart=Epsmaxin(iloop) sstart=Sigmaxin(iloop) do 2060 i=1,nvalues x=estart-tstrain(i)*2. s=sstart-tstress(i)*2. write(6,2115)x,s 2060 continue C end of loop plotting output 2500 continue C---------- History/Damage Plotting------------------------------- C In this section, we will put out a "box" for each cycle set. C The box is defined by Smaxin() on top, Sminin() on bottom, and C its X axis co-ords are defined by Cyclesin() = addcycles2 - addcycles1 C Where addcycles1 is the cumulative cycle count as one loops through the C sorted (largest ranges first) cycle sets. C An additional output is the percent damage for each set. From experience C we should use the max of pcswatdam() and pcmordam(), but both will be plotted. C The cumulative cycle boxes will be plotted on semi-log co-ords, C with the X axis minimum of 10**-1 or 0.1 cycles. C Initilize the cumulative cycle counters addcycles2=0. do 2600 iloop=1,nargsets addcycles1=addcycles2 addcycles2=addcycles1+Cyclesin(iloop) C The 1st time is special: if(iloop .eq.1)addcycles1=0.1 write(6,2548) 2548 format("#plothist") write(6,2550)addcycles1,Smaxin(iloop) 2550 format("#plothist ",f11.1,1x,f11.2) write(6,2550)addcycles2,Smaxin(iloop) write(6,2550)addcycles2,Sminin(iloop) write(6,2550)addcycles1,Sminin(iloop) write(6,2550)addcycles1,Smaxin(iloop) C The x axis for damage will be the center of the cycle box x=10**( (ALOG10(addcycles1) + ALOG10(addcycles2) )/2.) write(6,2560)x,pcswatdam(iloop),pcmordam(iloop) 2560 format("#plotdam ",f11.1, 1x,f6.1, 1x,f6.1) 2600 continue go to 9000 C 8000 continue write(6,*)"Failure in <=1 cycle." write(0,*)"Failure in <=1 cycle." 9000 CONTINUE C write(6,9005) C 9005 format( C &"#Here is the bottom part of the html " C & ,"graph/calc wrapper-----------"/ C & "#"/ C & "#" C & ) STOP END C--------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getStress2Life(Stress,Cycles,iexit) SAVE C Given Stress Ampl., interpolate Cycles real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) integer ndata real FractureStress,FractureStrain Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain iexit=0 C We are assuming that the data has been sorted to largest life, C and thus smallest stress, strain etc, first. C If the stress is below the first stress point, then it is below C the fatigue limit (the first life value in the table). C check if data is below the fatigue limit if(Stress .lt. StressAmp(1))then C Yes, its below. Set it equal to - fat_limit Cycles= -Lifecycles(1) return endif C Check if data is above FractureStress if(Stress .ge.FractureStress)then C The specimen fails in first 1/2 cycle. Damage is >= 1. Cycles=0.5 iexit=1 return endif C Ok, the input appears to lie between the two extremes. Lets C hunt & peck. Basically we are going to hunt our way up the stress C ladder. When our point is bigger than the last rung, and smaller than C the next rung, we can interpolate. do 1000 idat=1,ndata if(Stress - StressAmp(idat) ) 100,200,300 C In-elegant but fast: -ve 0 +ve C When the result is -ve, then the curve point is just above C the point we want, and we can interpolate. 100 continue C Our stress is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived C Interpolate. Since this is Stress vs Life, use log-log interpl. xslope= & (ALOG10(StressAmp(idat)) -ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) ) & /(ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat))-ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Stress)-ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) ) /xslope & +ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat-1)) Cycles= 10.0**Clog return 200 continue C The stress is exactly equal to the curve point(idat) C There could be a "flat" spot in the stress-life curve, and C thus the next point would have the same stress value. Check im=idat 201 im=im+1 if(Stress .eq. StressAmp(im))then C yes, another is equal. is there more? go to 201 endif C No, now the (im) point has bigger stress, use the last C one that was equal as a match Cbugfix May2005 : should be im-1 Cycles=Lifecycles(im-1) return 300 continue C Ok, Point(idat) on the curve is still smaller, keep going go to 1000 1000 continue write(0,*)" ERROR:saefcalc2:getStress2Life.endofdoloop" iexit=1 C We should not be here. Assume fracture strain Cycles=0.5 return end C--------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getStrain2Life(Strain,Cycles,iexit) SAVE C Given Strain Ampl., interpolate Cycles real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) integer ndata real FractureStress,FractureStrain Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain iexit=0 C We are assuming that the data has been sorted to largest life, C and thus smallest stress, strain etc, first. C If the strain is below the first strain point, then it is below C the fatigue limit (the first life value in the table). C check if data is below the fatigue limit if(Strain .lt. StrainAmp(1))then C Yes, its below. Set it equal to - fat_limit Cycles= -Lifecycles(1) return endif C Check if data is above FractureStrain if(Strain .ge.FractureStrain)then C The specimen fails in first 1/2 cycle. Damage is >= 1. Cycles=0.5 iexit=1 return endif C Ok, the input appears to lie between the two extremes. Lets C hunt & peck. Basically we are going to hunt our way up the stress C ladder. When our point is bigger than the last rung, and smaller than C the next rung, we can interpolate. do 1000 idat=1,ndata if(Strain - StrainAmp(idat) ) 100,200,300 C In-elegant but fast: -ve 0 +ve C When the result is -ve, then the curve point is just above C the point we want, and we can interpolate. 100 continue C Our stress is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived C Interpolate. Since this is Strain vs Life, use log-log interpl. xslope= & (ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat)) -ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) ) & /(ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat))-ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Strain)-ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) )/xslope & +ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat-1)) Cycles= 10.0**Clog return 200 continue C The Strain is exactly equal to the curve point(idat) C There could be a "flat" spot in the Strain-life curve, and C thus the next point would have the same Strain value. Check im=idat 201 im=im+1 if(Strain .eq. StrainAmp(im))then C yes, another is equal. is there more? go to 201 endif C No, now the (im) point has bigger Strain, use the last C one that was equal as a match Cbugfix May2005 : should be im-1 Cycles=Lifecycles(im-1) return 300 continue C Ok, Point(idat) on the curve is still smaller, keep going 1000 continue write(0,*)" ERROR:saefcalc2:getStrain2Life.endofdoloop" iexit=1 C We should not be here. Assume fracture strain Cycles=0.5 return end C--------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getStress2Strain(Stress,Strain,iexit) SAVE C Given Stress Ampl., interpolate Strain real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) integer ndata real FractureStress,FractureStrain Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain iexit=0 C We are assuming that the data has been sorted to largest life, C and thus smallest stress, strain etc, first. C If the stress is below the first stress point, then it is below C the fatigue limit (the first life value in the table). if(Stress .lt. StressAmp(1))then C Yes, its below. Assume straight line from (0,0) Strain=(Stress/StressAmp(1))*StrainAmp(1) return endif C Check if data is above Sigfp if(Stress .ge. Fracturestress)then C The specimen fails in first 1/2 cycle. Damage is >= 1. Strain=Fracturestrain iexit=1 return endif C Ok, the input appears to lie between the two extremes. Lets C hunt & peck. Basically we are going to hunt our way up the stress C ladder. When our point is bigger than the last rung, and smaller than C the next rung, we can interpolate. do 1000 idat=1,ndata if(Stress - StressAmp(idat) ) 100,200,300 C In-elegant but fast: -ve 0 +ve C When the result is -ve, then the curve point is just above C the point we want, and we can interpolate. 100 continue C Our stress is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived C Interpolate. Try log-log interpl. If we ever get -ve stresses C or strains we will definitely have to go to linear interpl. xslope= & (ALOG10(StressAmp(idat)) -ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1))) & /(ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat))-ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Stress)-ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) )/xslope & +ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) Strain= 10.0**Clog return 200 continue C The stress is exactly equal to the curve point(idat) C There could be a "flat" spot in the stress-strain curve, and C thus the next point would have the same stress value. Check im=idat 201 im=im+1 if(Stress .eq. StressAmp(im))then C yes, another is equal. is there more? go to 201 endif C No, now the (im) point has bigger stress, use the last C one that was equal as a match Cbugfix May2005 : should be im-1 Strain=StrainAmp(im-1) return 300 continue C Ok, Point(idat) on the curve is still smaller, keep going go to 1000 1000 continue write(0,*)" ERROR:saefcalc2:getStress2Strain.endofdoloop" iexit=1 C We should not be here. Assume fracture strain Strain=Fracturestrain return end C--------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getLoad2StressStrain(Sneuber,Stress,Strain, & iexit) SAVE C Given Load_Amp (could be FEA Stress Ampl.), interpolate Strain &Stress C Cstrain: in saefcalc2e Sneuber is just Strain Amplitude real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) integer ndata real FractureStress,FractureStrain Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain iexit=0 C We are assuming that the data has been sorted to largest life, C and thus smallest stress, strain etc, first. C If the "load", actually = Elastic_local_Stress, is below C the first SelasticAmp point, then it is below C the fatigue limit (the first life value in the table). if(Sneuber .lt. SelasticAmp(1))then C Yes, its below. Assume straight line from (0,0) Strain=(Sneuber/SelasticAmp(1))*StrainAmp(1) Stress=(Sneuber/SelasticAmp(1))*StressAmp(1) return endif C Check if data is above Sigfp C Assumes: ElasMod= First Stress/ 1st strain C If these first points are not on the "elastic" line we could have C a problem here, but it shouldnt be too bad (?) E=StressAmp(1)/StrainAmp(1) if(Sneuber .ge. & SQRT(Fracturestress*Fracturestrain*E))then C The specimen fails in first 1/2 cycle. Damage is >= 1. Strain=Fracturestrain Stress=Fracturestress iexit=1 return endif C Ok, the input appears to lie between the two extremes. Lets C hunt & peck. Basically we are going to hunt our way up the stress C ladder. When our point is bigger than the last rung, and smaller than C the next rung, we can interpolate. do 1000 idat=1,ndata if(Sneuber - SelasticAmp(idat) ) 100,200,300 C In-elegant but fast: -ve 0 +ve C When the result is -ve, then the curve point is just above C the point we want, and we can interpolate. 100 continue C Our stress is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived C Interpolate. Try log-log interpl. If we ever get -ve stresses C or strains we will definitely have to go to linear interpl. xslope= & (ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat)) -ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat-1))) & /(ALOG10(StressAmp(idat))-ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Sneuber)-ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat-1)) )/xslope & +ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) Stress= 10.0**Clog xslope= & (ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat)) -ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat-1))) & /(ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat))-ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Sneuber)-ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat-1)) )/xslope & +ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) Strain= 10.0**Clog return Cx 100 continue CxC The stress is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived. CxC Interpolate. Try log-log interpl. If we ever get -ve stresses CxC or strains we will definitely have to go to linear interpl. Cx Cx fraction=(ALOG10(Sneuber)-ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat-1)) )/ Cx & (ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat))-ALOG10(SelasticAmp(idat-1))) Cx Clog=ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) + fraction * Cx & (ALOG10(StressAmp(idat))-ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1))) Cx Stress= 10.0**Clog CxC Since the Sneuber,Strain, Stress occur as triple points, we CxC can use the same fraction for Strain interpolation: Cx Clog=ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) + fraction * Cx & (ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat))-ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1))) Cx Strain= 10.0**Clog Cx return 200 continue C Sneuber is exactly equal to the curve point(idat) C There could be a "flat" spot in the stress-strain curve, and C thus the next point would have the same stress value. C Check : im=idat 201 im=im+1 if(Sneuber .eq. SelasticAmp(im))then C yes, another is equal. is there more? go to 201 endif C No, now the (im) point has bigger number, use the last C one that was equal as a match Cbugfix May2005 : Should be im-1 Strain=StrainAmp(im-1) Stress=StressAmp(im-1) return 300 continue C Ok, Point(idat) on the curve is still smaller, keep going go to 1000 1000 continue write(0,*)" ERROR:saefcalc2e:getload2stressStrain:", & " endofDOloop" iexit=1 C We should not be here. Assume fracture strain Strain=Fracturestrain Stress=Fracturestress return end C--------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getSwat2Life(Smea,Cycles,iexit) SAVE C Given SmithWatsonTopper product, interpolate Cycles real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) integer ndata real FractureStress,FractureStrain Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain iexit=0 C We are assuming that the data has been sorted to largest life, C and thus smallest stress, strain etc, first. C If the Smea is below the first SigmaxStrainAmp point, then it is below C the fatigue limit (the first life value in the table). C check if data is below the fatigue limit if(Smea .lt. SigmaxStrainAmp(1))then C Yes, its below. Set it equal to - fat_limit Cycles= -Lifecycles(1) return endif Cbug fixed here in May 19 2004: C Check if data is above FractureStress if(Smea .ge. SigmaxStrainAmp(ndata))then C The specimen fails in first 1/2 cycle. Damage is >= 1. Cycles=0.5 iexit=1 return endif C Ok, the input appears to lie between the two extremes. Lets C hunt & peck. Basically we are going to hunt our way up the Smea value C ladder. When our point is bigger than the last rung, and smaller than C the next rung, we can interpolate. do 1000 idat=1,ndata if(Smea - SigmaxStrainAmp(idat) ) 100,200,300 C In-elegant but fast: -ve 0 +ve C When the result is -ve, then the curve point is just above C the point we want, and we can interpolate. 100 continue C The Smea value is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived C Interpolate. Since this is Smea vs Life, use log-log interpl. xslope= & (ALOG10(SigmaxStrainAmp(idat)) & -ALOG10(SigmaxStrainAmp(idat-1)) ) & /(ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat)) & -ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Smea)-ALOG10(SigmaxStrainAmp(idat-1)) ) & /xslope +ALOG10(Lifecycles(idat-1)) Cycles= 10.0**Clog return 200 continue C The stress is exactly equal to the curve point(idat) C There could be a "flat" spot in the Smea-life curve, and C thus the next point would have the same Smea value. Check im=idat 201 im=im+1 if(Smea .eq. SigmaxStrainAmp(im))then C yes, another is equal. is there more? go to 201 endif C No, now the (im) point has bigger Smea, use the last C one that was equal as a match Cbugfix May2005 : Should be im-1 Cycles=Lifecycles(im-1) return 300 continue C Ok, Point(idat) on the curve is still smaller, keep going go to 1000 1000 continue write(0,*)" ERROR:saefcalc2:getSwat2Life.endofdoloop" iexit=1 C We should not be here. Assume fracture strain Cycles=0.5 return end C--------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getloop(Stress,Straintemp,Stresstemp,npts,iexit) SAVE C Given Stress Ampl., get all stress-strain points from 0 to Stress real Stresstemp(250),Straintemp(250) real StressAmp(250), StrainAmp(250), SelasticAmp(250), & Lifecycles(250), PlstrainAmp(250), ElstrainAmp(250), & SigmaxStrainAmp(250) integer ndata real FractureStress,FractureStrain Common/Material/ StressAmp,StrainAmp,SelasticAmp,Lifecycles, & PlstrainAmp,ElstrainAmp,SigmaxStrainAmp, & ndata,FractureStress,FractureStrain iexit=0 Stresstemp(1)=0. Straintemp(1)=0 npts=1 C We are assuming that the data has been sorted to largest life, C and thus smallest stress, strain etc, first. C If the stress is below the first stress point, then it is below C the fatigue limit (the first life value in the table). if(Stress .lt. StressAmp(1))then C Yes, its below. Assume straight line from (0,0) npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)=(Stress/StressAmp(1))*StrainAmp(1) Stresstemp(npts)=Stress go to 9000 endif C Check if data is above Sigfp if(Stress .ge. Fracturestress)then C The specimen fails in first 1/2 cycle. Damage is >= 1. do 50 i=1,ndata npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)=StrainAmp(i) Stresstemp(npts)=StressAmp(i) 50 continue npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)=Fracturestrain Stresstemp(npts)=Fracturestress iexit=1 go to 9000 endif C Ok, the input appears to lie between the two extremes. Lets C hunt & peck. Basically we are going to hunt our way up the stress C ladder. When our point is bigger than the last rung, and smaller than C the next rung, we can interpolate. do 1000 idat=1,ndata if(Stress - StressAmp(idat) ) 100,200,300 C In-elegant but fast: -ve 0 +ve C When the result is -ve, then the curve point is just above C the point we want, and we can interpolate. 100 continue C The stress is less than the point on the curve, we have arrived C Interpolate. Try log-log interpl. If we ever get -ve stresses C or strains we will definitely have to go to linear interpl. xslope= & (ALOG10(StressAmp(idat)) -ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1))) & /(ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat))-ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) ) Clog= (ALOG10(Stress)-ALOG10(StressAmp(idat-1)) )/xslope & +ALOG10(StrainAmp(idat-1)) npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)= 10.0**Clog deltS=StressAmp(idat)-StressAmp(idat-1) fraction=(Stress-StressAmp(idat-1))/deltS Stresstemp(npts)=StressAmp(idat-1) + fraction*deltS go to 9000 200 continue C The stress is exactly equal to the curve point(idat) C There could be a "flat" spot in the stress-strain curve, and C thus the next point would have the same stress value. Check im=idat 201 im=im+1 if(Stress .eq. StressAmp(im))then C yes, another is equal. is there more? go to 201 endif C No, now the (im) point has bigger stress, use the last C one that was equal as a match Cbugfix May2005 : Should have been im-1 npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)=StrainAmp(im-1) Stresstemp(npts)=Stress go to 9000 300 continue C Ok, Point(idat) on the curve is still smaller, keep going npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)=StrainAmp(idat) Stresstemp(npts)=StressAmp(idat) C end of hunting loop 1000 continue write(0,*)" ERROR:saefcalc2:getloop.endofdoloop" iexit=1 C We should not be here. Assume fracture strain npts=npts+1 Straintemp(npts)=Fracturestrain Stresstemp(npts)=Fracturestress go to 9000 9000 continue write(6,*)"#debug Plot loop for Stress Amp: ",Stress write(6,*)" Amplitudes Ampl.*2" do 9005 i=1,npts write(6,9003)Straintemp(i),Stresstemp(i), & Straintemp(i)*2.0,Stresstemp(i)*2.0 9003 format(2(1x,f7.5,1x,f6.1)) 9005 continue end C============================================================== SUBROUTINE WR(UN,INP1) C S/R TO WRITE A LINE BUT CUT THE TRAILING BLANKS C Used when writing out comment lines mostly. CHARACTER*1 INP1(300) INTEGER UN LONG=300 C FIND LAST NON BLANK CHAR DO 10 I=LONG,1,-1 IF(INP1(I).EQ.' ')GO TO 10 C NO? THIS IS IT N=I GO TO 20 10 CONTINUE C COMPLETELY BLANK LINE WRITE(UN,11) 11 FORMAT(' ') RETURN 20 WRITE(UN,24)(INP1(J),J=1,N) 24 FORMAT(300A1) RETURN END